Another inexpensive cancer medication that the AMA (American Medication Association) fuk'd up the trials (on purpose) is HYDRAZINE SULPHATE.
The 1931 Nobel laureate in medicine, Otto Warburg, Ph.D., first discovered that cancer cells have a fundamentally different energy metabolism compared to healthy cells. The crux of his Nobel thesis was that malignant tumors frequently exhibit an increase in anaerobic glycolysis — a process whereby glucose is used as a fuel by cancer cells with lactic acid as an anaerobic by-product — compared to normal tissues. The large amount of lactic acid produced by this fermentation of glucose from cancer cells is then transported to the liver. This conversion of glucose to lactate generates a lower, more acidic pH in cancerous tissues as well as overall physical fatigue from lactic acid build-up. Thus, larger tumors tend to exhibit a more acidic pH.
Cancer cells ferment glucose, a very inefficient mechanism.
As part of this fermentation, cancer cells create lactic acid.
This lactic acid goes to the liver.
This process also makes a cancer cell very acidic (which is why cancer cells do not like to be alkaline).
Cancer cells are very inefficient at processing glucose, only about 5 percent as efficient, meaning they “waste” energy.
This wasted energy causes the cancer patient to become tired and malnourished.
This excessive use of glucose by a cancer cell is actually part of the process whereby cancer cells actually “steal” glucose from normal cells (cancer cells also steal nutrients from normal cells).
This means normal cells can literally starve to death, creating malnutrition and death.
Hydrazine sulphate theory
Of all of the alternative treatments for cachexia, perhaps hydrazine sulphate is the best known. Hydrazine sulphate is theorized to work by stopping the cycle mentioned above. Hydrazine sulphate “interrupts the ability of the liver to convert lactic acid from tumors into glucose thereby helping to starve the tumors and inhibit their ability to metastasize.”
Overall gluconeogenesis is stimulated when cancer is present. Gluconeogenesis requires a great deal of energy and excessive gluconeogenesis is thought to be a significant factor that contributes to cancer cachexia (Gold, 1968). Dr. Joseph Gold recognized in the 1960’s that metabolic strategies that inhibited the enzyme phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase (PEP-CK) would reduce gluconeogenesis and decrease the severity of cachexia (Gold, 1968). Dr. Gold after testing a series of compounds found that hydrazine sulphate could effectively reduce excessive gluconeogenesis in cancer (Gold, 1974, 1981).
Cancer Tutor has been an amazing site. Been using their resources for many, many years.
anon has personal experience with HYDRAZINE SULPHATE, have seen it reduce and eliminate tumors, to the doctors amazement.