lb >>10100461
re Lanny Davis
What a twisted piece of shit he is, not concerned about the residents, the communities being destroyed just that their violence is helping DJT…what an absolute psychopathic scumbag…they don't even realize how evil they sound when they make these thoughtless and impulsive tweets….
Great point on Lanny Davis- which some twatters or media would pick this up, shows their true colors and hypocriy.
Especially after Jihadi Comrade Jarrett was on Maria B show downplaying crimes committed by the MB team and BHO.
Also sort of highlighted their insurgent narrative, shouldn't we be focused on today? fug u VJ, continue with your riots we will, a Lanny say benefit from it a you loe the middle, and we will focus on expoing both your current crimes and your crimes during BHO days, the commie MB presidency.