These days, I often find lyrics have taken on a new meaning.
Within possibility. I'm sure they've mentioned their interest in BCI in the past.
Looks like I was right. BCI.
They wanted the medical files to extend their machine learning dataset. "Bridge" between computer and brain?
The most advanced BCI tech I can imagine would not need direct contact with the individual in order to pick up the EEG-type signals from the brain. Sort of like TEMPEST for human beings. Imagine that, targeting ads by reading the electromagnetic emissions of someone's brain. You would need a SUPER sensitive device, and a way to filter out noise. An algorithm, I guess.
An algorithm like that would need a LOT of data containing examples of valid EEG signals. Who knows, perhaps the accuracy could be enhanced by use of psychological profile information/behavior patterns (such as, you know, the ones FB is in a perfect position to have access to)
I'm getting into real tinfoil-hat territory here (kinda literally) but imagine if mobile phones could be used to pick up on neural activity via said EM emissions. People hold the phone right up to their head, after all.. probably not possible with current tech but how long until it is? What is concerning is that the people with the ability to actually DECODE these EEG signals would be these big-data companies. Machine learning would be the way, I'd imagine.
The job interview will be simply putting on an EEG headset.
Oh well, at least Un won't be so ronery if he's eventually going to open up to the world, huh