ID: 4e5c7f July 28, 2020, 10:35 a.m. No.10103601   🗄️.is 🔗kun

previously posted/notabled, posting again for more exposure. Need anons to dig on what's up in Portland/Seattle/I-5 corridor, who's organizing it and how they are funded. Critical time.




Turn the Tide Thread'''



Oregon and Washington are under attack

by groups bent on destroying our freedom at the regional, state, county & city level

Let'sDIG DEEPand createMEMES

to combat this attack.


We know that BLM and ANTIFA are the enemy

But what are the specific groups involved?

  • What are their /comms/?

  • Who are the leaders?

  • Who does the funding and how is the $ passed down/laundered?

  • What's the role of public officials like the mayors of Seattle and Portland?

  • How are those public officials linked to known DS entities?

  • What's the link between local govt's and the UN? (Agenda 21/2030)



1 - Post NW breaking news here first, then copy to thread

2 - Consolidate the info to see what it shows

3 - Develop a flowchart that maps it all out

4 - Get the word out to Defang the Beast


We can work together to TURN THE TIDE

Let the public know what's really going on

Save the coastal Pacific Northwest from the


who have invaded our lives.


Help turn the Pacific NorthLeft Coast into the Pacific NorthWest Coast again