Anonymous ID: f82794 July 28, 2020, 10:36 a.m. No.10103605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3955 >>3985 >>4125 >>4243 >>4266

Goldman Warns "Real Concerns Are Emerging" About The Dollar As Reserve Currency; Goes "All In" Gold


In his morning critique of goldbugs' resurgent optimism about the future of gold, which has exploded alongside the price of precious metals, which in turn have been tracking the real 10Y rate tick for tick…


… Rabobank's Michael Every argued from the familiar position of one who views the modern monetary system as immutable, and bounded by the confines of the dollar as a reserve currency and financial assets as a bedrock of modern household wealth, of which as Paul Tudor Jones recently calculated there is over $300 trillion worth, compared to just $10 trillion in total gold value.


Indeed, according to Every, the surge in gold is meaningless because "if you buy gold, technically that is going to make you money. And yet that money is still going to be priced in US DOLLARS – and that gives the whole game away."


Like fans of the England football team, gold fans can dream of the distant past when gold was the centre of the global monetary system; but they can keep dreaming if they think those days are ever going to return. Gold may be an appreciating asset, but all the evidence suggests that it won’t be one that is of any direct relevance to day-to-day life, finance, and business. Your currency won’t be tied to it. You won’t get paid in it. You won’t spend in it or save in it (other than to the switch back to US Dollars). You won’t be doing deals in it or importing in it."


Yes but… what if your currency ends up getting tied to it? What if you do get paid in gold? What if you save in gold without any intention of switching back to dollars?


In short, what if the dollar is no longer the world's reserve currency?


Impossible you say… well, we would disagree. After all, in a world where there is over $100 trillion in dollar-denominated debt which can not be defaulted on and thus must be inflated away, the "exorbitant privilege" of the dollar has become a handicap. But don't take our word: here is Jared Bernstein, Obama's former chief economist warning all the way back in 2014 in a NYT op-ed that the US Dollar must lose its reserve status:


There are few truisms about the world economy, but for decades, one has been the role of the United States dollar as the world’s reserve currency. It’s a core principle of American economic policy. After all, who wouldn’t want their currency to be the one that foreign banks and governments want to hold in reserve?


But new research reveals that what was once a privilege is now a burden, undermining job growth, pumping up budget and trade deficits and inflating financial bubbles. To get the American economy on track, the government needs to drop its commitment to maintaining the dollar’s reserve-currency status.



Anonymous ID: f82794 July 28, 2020, 10:38 a.m. No.10103645   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump Jr. locked out of Twitter account for sharing controversial video defending HCQ as Covid-19 cure


Donald Trump Jr has been given a "temporary lockout" from his Twitter account after violating the social media company’s “misinformation policy” by sharing a video defending hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a Covid-19 “cure.”


“This is a must watch!! So different from the narrative everyone is running with!” Trump Jr., the president’s eldest son, originally wrote when sharing the video. The clip has been removed repeatedly from social media sites.


President Donald Trump tweeted the very same video – he has spoken of the antimalarial’s benefits in the past, though studies have shown varying results – and the tweet was removed, but he appears to have not been suspended like his son was, as he has tweeted since then.


Trump Jr’s tweet has been removed from his page as well, and he will not be able to use his account in full for the next 12 hours. He can still send direct messages to followers, but cannot retweet, like, or post his own new tweets.


Twitter said through a spokesperson that this is not a “suspension,” but instead a “temporary lockout.” To end the “lockout,” Trump Jr. must willingly delete the tweet himself. It has been replaced on his page with a message that simply reads: “this tweet is no longer available.” The same message can be found on the president’s Twitter page in place of his own tweet that shared the video.

Anonymous ID: f82794 July 28, 2020, 10:40 a.m. No.10103687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3704 >>3723 >>3872 >>3892 >>3955 >>3961 >>4125 >>4243

"Lies Spread Faster Than The Truth On Social Media" - Gates Slams COVID-19 Vaccine "Conspiracy Theories"


Bill Gates insisted last week that 'conspiracy theories' involving the Gates Foundation and the Microsoft founder's alleged hidden agenda to use vaccines as a cover for his nefarious micro-chipping project were utter nonsense. Apparently, Gates failed to grasp that this is exactly the kind of denial that a villainous billionaire might give.


Whether or not you take the Gates-related 'conspiracy theories' seriously, the Microsoft founder clearly sees them as enough of an annoyance that he felt compelled to address the trend again during a Tuesday morning appearance on CNBC.


Responding to a question from interviewer Andrew Ross Sorkin about social media's role in spreading the conspiracies, Gates on Wednesday denied conspiracy theories that accuse the tech mogul and philanthropist of wanting to use coronavirus vaccines to implant tracking devices in people, and also said he hoped that the public's understanding of "the truth" would improve as the world gets closer to a vaccine.


"Very incorrect things that are very titillating…can spread much faster than the truth on social media, and we've always seen that with vaccines….social media can make that even worse…these social media companies can see what is being said on their platform and take things that are absolutely wrong and remove those things from the platform."


"How you divide that up, and draw that line…these are complex issues. It has been a spreader of lot of things…and how do you strike a balance?"


Would Gates take a harder line, the Sork asked, citing Mark Zuckerberg's commitment to be "all over" this type of misinformation.


Gates responded that Facebook can't intervene on Whatsapp since communications between users are encrypted. "Is that appropriate?" Gates said, expressing some skepticism about the risk of fostering criminal activity, though he said he doubted it would come up in tomorrow's hearing.


Asked to weigh in on the anti-trust push targeting Silicon Valley, Gates offered a mealymouthed response that was tantamount to a soft-endorsement of the status quo as far as 'Big Tech' is concerned.


"I do think people underestimate that natural competitive forces do come into this space…as mobile phones came in that was very competitive…even without massive regulation, there will be a lot of innovation," Gates said.


Is that really a surprise? After all, Gates and his wife may have donated nearly $2 billion to the vaccine research cause over the past few months. Gates insists that all he wants is to help defeat the coronavirus, and that may be true. But intelligent, capable people can still fall victim to their own biases. And whether a vaccine will ultimately bring about the end of the global pandemic still remains to be seen.

Anonymous ID: f82794 July 28, 2020, 10:43 a.m. No.10103734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3955 >>4125 >>4243 >>4267

Sinclair media group axes TV segment with ‘Plandemic’ conspiracy researcher for good, voices support for Fauci after backlash


The Sinclair Broadcast Group will not air a controversial interview with a Covid-19 conspiracy researcher, opting to toss the segment altogether after saying it would postpone the program to “provide additional context.”


The conservative media giant said on Monday that it would throw out its interview with Judy Mikovits – a former research scientist who gained prominence after starring in the documentary film ‘Plandemic,’ where she pushed a number of conspiracy theories about the coronavirus, vaccines and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases head Dr Anthony Fauci.


“Upon further review, we have decided not to air the interview with Dr Mikovits,” the company said in a statement. “Although the segment did include an expert to dispute Dr Mikovits, given the nature of the theories she presented, we believe it is not appropriate to air the interview.”


We also reiterate our appreciation for all that Dr Fauci and his team have accomplished for the health and wellbeing of Americans and people worldwide.


Sinclair’s initial plan to run the interview – which was set to air on TV stations around the country last weekend – prompted a major media outcry, with CNN and other mainstream outlets leading the charge to denounce the conspiracy-laden segment.


Though Sinclair briefly stood by its plan to air the original interview, arguing that it did not endorse Mikovits’ theories, it abruptly reversed course on Saturday amid growing criticism online, saying that it would delay and rework the episode to offer “other viewpoints.” That apparently did not stem the controversy, however, and the network has now chosen to cancel the hot-button segment for good.


In the now-scrapped interview, Mikovits reportedly told host Eric Bolling that Fauci had helped to manufacture and transport coronavirus samples to a research lab in Wuhan, where the Covid-19 pandemic is thought to have originated – one among several questionable claims to also feature in the ‘Plandemic’ film, which has been widely censored online.

Anonymous ID: f82794 July 28, 2020, 10:44 a.m. No.10103751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3955 >>4125 >>4243

Kodak Soars After Government Loan To End China Medical Supply Chain Reliance


In an apparent retaliation over rising rhetoric over the "China Virus" in April, American firms producing medical goods in China were slapped with new export restrictions, stranding much of the supplies in warehouses across the country.


This move highlighted to many just how precarious the US medical supply chain was, and more critically, how dependent on new 'Enemy #1' China the American healthcare system was.


As we detailed previously, according to research and US Congressional hearings, something like 80% of present medicines consumed in the United States are produced in China. This includes Chinese companies and foreign drug companies that have outsourced their drug manufacture in joint ventures with Chinese partners. According to Rosemary Gibson of the Hastings Center bioethics research institute, who authored a book in 2018 on the theme, the dependency is more than alarming.


Gibson cites medical newsletters giving the estimate that today some 80% of all pharmaceutical active ingredients in the USA are made in China.


“It’s not just the ingredients. It’s also the chemical precursors, the chemical building blocks used to make the active ingredients. We are dependent on China for the chemical building blocks to make a whole category of antibiotics… known as cephalosporins. They are used in the United States thousands of times every day for people with very serious infections.”


The made in China drugs today include most antibiotics, birth control pills, blood pressure medicines such as valsartan, blood thinners such as heparin, and various cancer drugs. It includes such common medicines as penicillin, ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), and aspirin. The list also includes medications to treat HIV, Alzheimer’s disease, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, cancer, depression, epilepsy, among others. A recent Department of Commerce study found that 97 percent of all antibiotics in the United States came from China.

Anonymous ID: f82794 July 28, 2020, 10:48 a.m. No.10103827   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In Early July BLM Contributions Moved to the Tides Center – A George Soros Linked Entity


Donations to Black Lives Matter were flowing through Democrat Funding apparatus ActBlue and then to Thousand Currents, a non-for-profit entity with a terrorist from the Weather Underground on its Board.


This must have looked bad so the Democrats and BLM moved the contributions to BLM from Thousand Currents to George Soros connected Tides Foundation.


We reported on May 30th the in Democrat-led cities around the country were coordinated and related to three main groups: 1) US based Islamist Organizations, 2) Domestic terrorists, and 3) Others related to the Democrat Party.


We then were the first to report that BLM was raising money using ActBlue as a resource. The Daily Caller confirmed this and reported that BLM is not a non-profit organization and nonprofit organization (Thousand Currents) said it provides ‘fiduciary oversight, financial management, and other administrative services to BLM.


Candice Owen reported on the BLM – ActBlue relationship and was then targeted by a bogus fact-checker. Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch jumped in and stated that the findings confirmed what we and Candice Owen reported:


It’s clear that the recent riots around the country are not spontaneous. They are coordinated and planned. These riots are related to the same individuals involved in similar activities for years. These people are related to George Soros.

Anonymous ID: f82794 July 28, 2020, 10:50 a.m. No.10103860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4125 >>4243

‘These are not fireworks’: Antifa accused of throwing real explosives at feds in apparent major escalation in Portland


In an apparent disturbing escalation in violence, after the 61st consecutive day of protests in Portland, Antifa have been accused of throwing real explosives, not fireworks, at federal agents.


Approximately 1,000 protesters took to the streets of Portland on Monday evening, including parents and veterans groups, all of whom were teargassed in something that has become a nightly tradition.


Daily footage from the city shows that neither side is backing down and, in the latest disturbing escalation, accusations that members of the protest group have begun throwing actual explosive devices at authorities have been made online, complete with eyewitness video purporting to show the explosives in action.


The protesters in Portland initially rallied against police brutality and racism after Minneapolis police killed George Floyd, but recently the protests have evolved into a tit-for-tat escalation in violence between the protesters, assorted agitators in their midst, and the federal agents ostensibly deployed to restore order in a controversial move by US President Donald Trump.

Anonymous ID: f82794 July 28, 2020, 10:51 a.m. No.10103873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3902 >>3905 >>3919 >>3928 >>4125 >>4243

Tommy Robinson flees UK with family after claims of ‘arson’ attack on wife’s property


Anti-Islam activist and ex-English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson says he’s trying to permanently relocate his family outside of the UK because “they’re not safe.” It follows an alleged arson attack on his wife’s property.


In a video posted on social media on Tuesday, the controversial right-wing activist insisted that he knows who the perpetrators are, and believes that it “wasn’t Muslims” but that it may be people linked to the Black Lives Matter movement.


Robinson, 37, claimed that he had a video evidence of the arson attack, saying they upped and left the UK because his wife had “had enough of everything.”


I’m looking at relocating my family which is pretty hard to do, especially with Covid.


He revealed that he was searching for schools for his daughters and in the process of finding a “permanent relocation” for his family.


Robinson – real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon – complained that the UK government’s quarantine rules would mean he would be unable to fly back to Britain to attend a demonstration on Saturday. It’s led many people on social media to speculate that he may be in Spain.


Allegations of an arson attack on Robinson’s wife’s home have not been confirmed by Bedfordshire Police, but they “do have a record of reported car arson in June,” the Independent’s Lizzie Dearden reports.


The former leader and co-founder of the EDL – a right-wing social movement hostile to immigrants – is currently facing a libel trial over comments he made, allegedly defaming a Syrian boy who was filmed being attacked in a school in Huddersfield in 2018. Solicitors acting on behalf of the 16 year-old refugee are seeking £100,000 ($129,000) in damages.


The right-wing activist spent time in HMP Belmarsh last year for contempt of court after he filmed defendants in a grooming trial and streamed it live on Facebook. The high-security prison in London is currently holding WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.


Robinson was originally sentenced to nine months, but was told in July 2019 that he would only serve 10 weeks in prison, due to time already served for the same offense.

Anonymous ID: f82794 July 28, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.10103931   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Google Translate Lists ‘Police Officer’ as the Primary Definition of ‘Demon’


Google Translate, the tech giant’s translation app, listed “a police officer” as the primary definition of “demon.” The secondary definition of demon, according to the Masters of the Universe in Silicon Valley, is “an evil spirit or devil.” The web giant removed the definitions altogether after Breitbart News requested comment on the company’s strange definition.


Users on reddit’s /r/Conspiracy subreddit were the first to recently notice that when the term “demon” was typed into Google’s Translate system, the first definition that the site returns is “a police officer.” Although the Internet giant removed the definitions after a Breitbart News request for comment, a screenshot of the definition can be seen below:


An archived version of the Google Translate page can be found here. One Reddit user named /u/Djingus_ noted that the term “demon” has been used in Australia as a slang term for “detective/officer” according to a dictionary of Australian words and terms published on This doesn’t explain why Google listed it as the primary definition of the word.


Breitbart News contacted Google to request an explanation for the issue, and has not received a reply, although all definitions for “demon” were removed after the request for comment was sent. Some speculate that the definition is the result of an algorithm error or manipulation. Breitbart News previously reported in 2018 that Google briefly listed “Nazism” as an official ideology of the California Republican Party due to the search engine relying on scraping information from Wikipedia which can be edited.


At the time, Google commented on the issue stating that vandalism on Wikipedia had resulted in the incorrect search results:


Breitbart News will update this story when new information is provided.

Anonymous ID: f82794 July 28, 2020, 10:58 a.m. No.10103967   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4016

Pittsburgh Steelers Player Stephon Tuitt Says He’s Not Kneeling During The National Anthem, Cites His Grandmother Being An Immigrant


Pittsburgh Steelers star Stephon Tuitt won’t take a knee during the national anthem.


There are going to be gigantic national anthem protests all over the NFL during the 2020 season, but Tuitt won’t be joining.


He tweeted Monday that he’s not taking a knee and added, “screw anybody who have a problem with that.” He cited his grandmother being an immigrant as a major reason why he won’t take a knee.


This honestly takes a hell of a lot of courage from Tuitt. No matter what you think about the national anthem protests, rejecting them publicly is a courageous act.


I have no doubt at all that some of Tuitt’s teammates in the locker room aren’t going to like this stance at all.


However, if you’re going to accept and encourage players to take a knee, then you have to do the same when Tuitt voices his opinion.


It sounds like he’s damn proud to be an American, and won’t let anyone shame him for that.


We’ll see how his teammates react, but major props to Tuitt for refusing to take a knee when it’s become incredibly fashionable.

Anonymous ID: f82794 July 28, 2020, 11 a.m. No.10103987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4015

Poland to Withdraw from ‘Ideological’ Gender Theory Treaty


Poland has announced it will withdraw from the Istanbul Convention, a treaty which requires that governments actively promote gender theory through the media and education system.


Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro told a news conference that his ministry would begin withdrawing from the treaty, titled — arguably misleadingly — the Istanbul Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence.


While far-left protesters claimed the move was aimed at legitimising physical violence against women, Ziobro said problems with the treaty eroded parents’ rights by necessitating far-left social policies be promoted to children. He explained that the convention “contains elements of an ideological nature, which we consider harmful”, Reuters reported him saying.


Deputy Justice Minister Michał Wójcik stated that the provisions of the convention centre on an ideology which is harmful “to the family, to marriage”, adding that marriage is between “a woman and a man, not some third, fourth or fifth sex”.


Hungary: 'Yes to Protecting Women, No to Gender Ideology, Illegal Migration'


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) May 9, 2020


The ministers have drawn attention to aspects of the treaty which claim that domestic violence is a result of gender stereotyping. “…violence against women does not only result from alcoholism or certain pathologies … but also results from problems related to the stereotypical perception of gender,” remarked Dr Dorota Pudzianowska from the George Soros-sponsored Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights.


University of Swansea law professor, Andrew Tettenborn, has commented that the Istanbul Convention does nothing to protect females from domestic violence. Instead, it demands that all of society be dismantled and rebuilt around the idea that gender stereotypes are the cause of physical attacks on women.


Polish President Vows to Protect Children from ‘LGBT Ideology’, Support Traditional Families


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) June 11, 2020


According to Article 12 of the treaty, governments who sign up to the document must “take the necessary measures to promote changes in the social and cultural patterns of behaviour of women and men with a view to eradicating prejudices, customs, traditions and all other practices which are based on the idea of the inferiority of women or on stereotyped roles for women and men”.


Asking whether ordinary citizens in countries like Britain, where the government has signed the Istanbul Convention, “realise that their leaders have signed them up to support a mini-Cultural Revolution”, Tettenborn notes that there is “more than a whiff of totalitarianism” about the treaty’s requirements.

Anonymous ID: f82794 July 28, 2020, 11:02 a.m. No.10104021   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Salvini Slams Italian Leftist Govt for Illegal Migrant Surge


Populist Senator Matteo Salvini slammed the leftist coalition government of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, noting the recent increase in illegal migrants and the risks of a new Chinese coronavirus outbreak.


The populist League (Lega) leader remarked that “landings have tripled since last year, with illegal immigrants being recovered even near Maltese waters, while Lampedusa is collapsing and hundreds of immigrants flee the reception centres who risk spreading Covid-19”.


According to a report in newspaper Il Giornale, around 180 migrants fled a reception centre in the Sicilian commune of Caltanissetta, with police later managing to catch 120 escapees.


“This government endangers Italy,” Salvini warned.


The island of Lampedusa, the part of Italy which lies closest to the North African coast, has been inundated with new migrant arrivals in the last several weeks. A report has claimed that as many as one migrant boat arrives every hour on average and the migrant reception centre on the island is heavily overcrowded.


Italian Island Overwhelmed as Migrant Boats Arrive Every Hour on Average


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) July 27, 2020


Lampedusa mayor Totò Martello said: “The situation has become uncontrollable. If the government doesn’t, I’ll declare a state of emergency.”


Salvini replied to Martello’s comments over the weekend saying that the Lampedusa mayor was expressing “crocodile tears”.


“We defend the fishermen, entrepreneurs and workers of Lampedusa tired of an unprecedented invasion, which we had stopped last year,” Salvini added.


Last year, Salvini served as Italian Interior Minister, and migrant landings were greatly reduced as ports were blocked off for migrant transport NGOs. Salvini’s closed border police also resulted in a significant decrease in the number of drowning deaths in the Mediterranean sea, as well.


He and his party have now been replaced by the left-establishment Democrats (PD) as the coalition partners of the left-populist Five Star Movement in the Italian government, however.


Salvini is not the only one to speak out against the migrant landings. Earlier in the month, residents of Lampedusa held their own local referendum on the ongoing crisis, with the vast majority voting to close the island’s migrant reception facility.


Italy Poll: Salvini’s Lega in Solid First Place as Democrats Slide

Anonymous ID: f82794 July 28, 2020, 11:04 a.m. No.10104046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4072

China halts Hong Kong's extradition treaties with Canada, Australia and Britain in tit-for-tat retaliation as New Zealand becomes the latest country to stand up to Beijing


China's move came after similar decisions from the three Western countries

New Zealand on Tuesday also suspended its extradition treaty with Hong Kong

Beijing's spokesman urged Wellington to correct its 'mistakes' immediately

Washington said it was preparing to do the same for its extradition agreement

The West has angered China with its response to the Hong Kong security law


China today announced the suspension of Hong Kong's extradition treaties with Canada, Australia and Britain in a tit-for-tat move following similar decisions by those countries over a controversial new security law.


Beijing's spokesperson also urged New Zealand to correct its 'mistakes' immediately after Wellington on Tuesday stood up to Beijing and suspended its extradition agreement with the Asian financial hub.


Western nations have angered Beijing with their responses to the law imposed on Hong Kong, which they see as an erosion of the civil liberties and human rights the city has enjoyed since its handover from Britain in 1997.

Anonymous ID: f82794 July 28, 2020, 11:05 a.m. No.10104057   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Infant Critical After Being Shot in Mayor Lightfoot’s Chicago


A 10-month-old girl is in critical condition after being shot Monday morning in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago.


Fox News reports the shooting occurred around 11:15 a.m. on the Bishop Ford Expressway while the infant and her 17-year-old mother were riding in a car driven by the mother’s 21-year-old boyfriend.


Fox 32 reports the boyfriend heard a gunshot and discovered the infant had been struck in the shoulder.


Christopher Scott of “I’m Telling, Don’t Shoot” made clear a reward is being offered in hopes of identifying the individual who shot the child.


Scott said, “Here we are again, praying again the baby make it through the night. This has to stop. And we want shooter to know we are looking for you and we putting $10,000 up for your arrest.”


Illinois State Police report there have been nearly twice as many highway shootings in the Chicago area at this point in 2020 than there were at this same point in 2019. Sixty-five such shootings so far this year compared with 34 up to this point in 2019.


On July 27, 2020, Breitbart News reported at least 60 persons were shot, three fatally, over the weekend in Lightfoot’s Chicago.

Anonymous ID: f82794 July 28, 2020, 11:07 a.m. No.10104090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4133

Seattle Judge Orders Media to Share Unpublished Protest Photos with Police


In a controversial ruling that has sparked criticism from photojournalists across the US, a judge in Seattle has ruled that the local news media must hand over unpublished protest photos to the police, who will use them in an ongoing investigation into the destruction of several police vehicles on May 30th.


The legal battle was sparked by a subpoena from the Seattle Police Department, which demanded local news outlets like The Seattle Times hand over its photos and videos from a racial justice protest on May 30th. The protest in question turned violent, and police are seeking evidence to use against vandals who set five police cars on fire, heavily damaged one more, and stole at least two loaded weapons.

According to The Seattle Times, a Washington State shield law protects journalists from sharing unpublished materials with law enforcement in most cases, and local news outlets challenged the subpoena on these grounds. However on Thursday, King County Superior Court Judge Nelson Lee ultimately sided with the Police, ruling that the subpoena is enforceable, though he set several limitations on how they could use the unpublished materials.


Specifically, the judge said that law enforcement may only use those images to identify the vandals involved in the arson and theft. The photos and video may not be used to identify perpetrators of any lesser crimes, and if it is, that evidence will be ruled “illegally obtained.” The Seattle Times is also reporting that law enforcement may only access information found on “professional” camera equipment—so photojournalists’ smartphones are off limits.

Anonymous ID: f82794 July 28, 2020, 11:09 a.m. No.10104113   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Youths Hurl Rocks Through Church Windows at Swedish Christians During Service


A group of youths attacked a Roman Catholic church in the Swedish town of Ystad, throwing rocks at church-goers during an evening mass.


The attack took place on Saturday evening, according to Father Eugeniusz Machnica, who said that three large rocks were thrown through the window of the church, one of which came close to hitting one of the parishioners. Witnesses say the culprits behind the attack were three male youths who fled the area after throwing the rocks.


Father Machnica claimed he did not believe the incident was motivated by ideology, Nyheter Idag reports.


“Drunk young people often walk along this route. It is difficult to assess whether it [the attack] had anything to do with the church,” he suggested.


Sweden’s Liberal Church ‘Set to Lose over a Million Members in Next Decade’


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) February 14, 2018


A parishioner called local police, but none came, with authorities claiming there were no police cars available.


Limited police budgets in Sweden, particularly in rural areas, have meant many police stations have been short on resources, including police vehicles. In 2017, it was reported that the region of Southern Lapland has only one police car to cover an area nearly the size of Denmark.


The incident is not the first attack on Christians in Sweden. In January, a Syrian Orthodox church in Norrköping was attacked by unknown perpetrators in an apparent arson attempt.


Isa Gergin, spokesman and caretaker for the Syrian Orthodox St Maria’s church, said that there had been similar attacks in December of last year, as well.


Last week, Ellen Fantini, director of the Vienna-based Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe (OIDACE), noted a rise in anti-Christian attacks in several European countries, including Sweden.


“As we have noted in the past, Christians in Europe are not simply experiencing social discrimination, prejudice, or restrictions on freedom. Christians, including clergy, have been attacked or killed for their faith. As in previous years, we have continued to see threats and attacks against Christian converts from Islam,” an OIDACE report said.


Syrian Orthodox Church in Sweden Under Guard After Series of Suspected Arson Attacks

Anonymous ID: f82794 July 28, 2020, 11:12 a.m. No.10104170   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Facebook allegedly told a Christian org that a man's death threats were ‘not a policy violation.’ Now, he has been sentenced to prison.


After a Florida man posted his intentions to "kill every single person" at a Christian organization on Facebook last year, the social media giant allegedly told the organization that the threats did not constitute a policy violation.


According to a press release from the American Family Association, based in Tupelo, Mississippi, 21-year-old Chase Davis of Pompano Beach, Florida, sent the threats in a Facebook message to the organization last summer announcing his disdain for the religious organization and his desire to murder every member.


"I am coming to tupelo unexpected with a group of people and we are going to kill every single person who runs your group," Davis wrote on Facebook Messenger in the first of two messages.


"You are the most disgusting people in america. i have put together a group to have you pieces of s**t obliterated into dust. yes, i literally mean killing all of you. you people are nothing but disgusting, warn out, and old excuses of human life," he added.


In the press release, the AFA said that it immediately reported the threats to Facebook upon receiving them but were "told that the threat was not a policy violation."

"AFA appealed the decision to no avail," the press release added.


Law enforcement felt differently

At the same time that the AFA reported the threats to Facebook, the group also reported them to the United States attorney's office, which, conversely, took the threats seriously and launched an investigation leading to a grand jury indictment.


The Department of Justice announced in a news release last week that Davis had been ordered to serve time in federal prison for "making threats against individuals at the American Family Association in Tupelo, Mississippi."

Judge Sheri Polster Chappell, United States Judge for the Middle District of Florida, sentenced Davis to six months' incarceration followed by three years' court supervision.

Davis was also ordered to "participate in drug and mental health treatment and perform 400 hours of community service in lieu of a fine," the release noted.