Anonymous ID: c601fc July 28, 2020, 11:27 a.m. No.10104367   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How a police spy’s stunning testimony threatens the official US-Israeli AMIA bombing narrative


Revelations by a former police spy upend the official story blaming Iran for the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, and suggest a cover-up by dirty war elements may have let the real culprits off the hook.


The July 18, 1994 bombing of the Argentine Israeli Mutual Association (AMIA) Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, Argentina was one of the worst pre-9/11 terrorist attacks in the Western hemisphere, killing 85 and injuring 300.


For over a quarter century, the US and Israeli governments have blamed Iran for the bloodshed, citing it as primary evidence of Tehran’s role as the world’s largest sponsor of terrorism.


This narrative remains part of the propaganda offensive against Iran, and has been exploited by the Donald Trump administration to justify a campaign of economic strangulation aimed at either destabilizing the Islamic Republic or achieving regime change.


Soon after the bombing, the United States and Israel placed heavy pressure on the Argentine government to implicate Iran. At the time, however, officials in the embassy in Buenos Aires were well aware there was no hard evidence to support such a conclusion.


In an August 1994 cable to the State Department, US Ambassador James Cheek boasted of the “steady campaign” the embassy had waged that “kept the Iranians in the dock where they belong.” In a striking comment to this writer in 2007, Cheek conceded, “To my knowledge, there was never any real evidence” of Iranian responsibility.


Bill Brencick, the chief of the political section in the US embassy from 1994 to 1997, also acknowledged in a 2007 interview that US insinuations of Iranian responsibility were based solely on a “wall of assumptions” that had “no hard evidence to connect those assumptions to the case.”


Brencick recalled that he and other US officials recognized “enough of a Jewish community [in Buenos Aires] and a history of anti-Semitism that local anti-Semites had to be considered as suspects.” But this line of investigation was never pursued in any official capacity, likely because it contradicted the interests of a US national security state that was dead-set on indicting Iran for the bombing.


However, a dramatic development has threatened to upend the official US-Israeli narrative on the AMIA attack. In 2014, the public learned that a former spy who had infiltrated the Jewish community in Buenos Aires on behalf of Argentina’s Federal Police had revealed to two investigative journalists that he had been ordered to turn over blueprints to the AMIA building to his Federal Police case officer.


The spy was convinced the building plans were used by the real culprits behind the bombing. His stunning revelation prompted a series of articles in the Argentine press.



Anonymous ID: c601fc July 28, 2020, 11:28 a.m. No.10104380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4547 >>4701 >>4816 >>4967

Vaccine developer says people must wear masks and socially distance even after vaccine is available


A vaccine developer at the Baylor College of Medicine told Business Insider that people should not expect an immediate return to normal life once a vaccine is available.


Several companies are working as quickly as possible to develop a safe and effective vaccine, which has been viewed by some as necessary for lockdowns to end and schools to reopen. While a vaccine may significantly reduce the risk of serious disease from the novel coronavirus, social distancing and face masks may still be a part of life, said vaccine developer Maria Elena Bottazzi.


"They automatically are going to say, 'oh great, I'm just going to get my little vaccine, and I can go back and do exactly the things I was doing last year,'" Bottazzi told Business Insider. "That is absolutely not true."


Ideally, Bottazzi said, a vaccine would give sterilizing immunity, meaning it would totally prevent people from becoming infected. Many vaccines don't reach that level of effectiveness, however, and only reduce the chance of developing severe symptoms of a particular disease.


Vaccines improve over time, which means the first version of the COVID-19 vaccine that is made available to the public might not be 100% effective. In fact, Moderna's vaccine, which is entering phase 3 of trials, is aiming to demonstrate 60% effectiveness.


Moderna CEO Stephanie Bancel said that if the vaccine reaches 90% effectiveness, then people can safely stop wearing masks — unless they have high-risk health conditions, in which case they may need to continue wearing them. Bancel said the company hopes to know more about their vaccine's efficacy as early as October or as late as December.


For comparison, the 2019-2020 flu vaccine is only about 45% effective against the seasonal flu and typically ranges between 40% and 60% effectiveness every year. A vaccine was never successfully developed for the SARS coronavirus in 2002, and eventually demand for such a vaccine went away, as the virus ran its course and mostly disappeared without spreading nearly as widely as COVID-19 has.

In summary, the masks could be here to stay through the end of 2020, and potentially even longer depending on how successful the COVID-19 vaccines are.


"The moment you get a vaccine doesn't mean you're going to put your mask in the trash," Bottazzi told Business Insider. "That is not going to happen. I hope people don't think that is going to be the magic solution for all."

Anonymous ID: c601fc July 28, 2020, 11:29 a.m. No.10104398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4701 >>4816 >>4967

San Francisco police told to display Black Lives Matter banners in support of terrorists who want to eliminate cops


Despite calls from the domestic terrorist group to defund and disband the police, Black Lives Matter (BLM) will now have a presence at every police station in San Francisco, thanks to a recent vote by the San Francisco Police Commission (SFPC).


Moving forward, San Francisco police stations will now be required to display BLM posters inside their facilities, defying strong opposition from union members. To keep the BLM mob happy, each police station will have to find and put up a poster at least 32 by 24 inches in size, and they will have 30 days to do so before being in violation of the order.


“The poster must ‘prominently and exclusively’ feature the phrase ‘Black lives matter’ and it must be displayed in a place visible to station visitors,” reports indicate about the resolution, which was unanimously approved by the SFPC.

To placate those who expressed outrage that the department would vote to support a radical domestic terrorist group that is linked to violence against innocent people, the decision was made to allow the posters to say “Black lives matter,” without a capital “L” or “M” to sound more generic.


“This came directly from the community,” claims Commissioner Dion-Jay Brookter, who helped co-write the resolution. “We need to show unity and solidarity and say that black lives do matter. My life matters. My five-year-old niece’s life matters.”


San Francisco Police Officers Association expresses concerns, says pushing political agendas “establishes a new precedent”

Police Chief Bill Scott, who also has black skin, indicated his support for the resolution as well. In Scott’s view, stating publicly that black lives matter is a great way to show the world that San Francisco police officers are supportive of people with darker skin tones.


“As I have said before, people are talking to us and we have to listen. Yeah, we’re listening. Yes, we will support,” he is quoted as saying.

“Yes, we are fully committed to implementing this resolution, and as the person who is charged with speaking on behalf of the department – and I can speak for the command staff and members of this department – black lives do matter, and they matter to this police department.”


The San Francisco Police Officers Association, on the other hand, issued a letter of opposition to the proposal, warning that it “establishes a new precedent that raises concerns about introducing political agendas and wedge issues into the safe harbor of police stations.”

Rockne A. Lucia, a lawyer for this union, publicly emphasized that police stations are supposed to be places where citizens of all skin colors are free to seek help and assistance when they become victims of criminal activity. Police stations are not supposed to be “places for political endorsements or alignment with political organizations,” Lucia warned.

Police union president Tony Montoya agrees, having said in a statement that the San

Francisco Police Department needs to put away all “soapboxes” and stop its “political grandstanding.”


As it turns out, San Francisco saw a 31 percent increase in homicides last month compared to the same month last year. Car break-ins have also become “rampant,” Montoya warns, emphasizing the fact that police officers throughout the city need to be focused on stopping crime, not perpetuating political movements.


“It’s time for the commissioners to get beyond hashtags, posters, and politics because our community is depending on them and all of us to make San Francisco a safer place for everyone,” Montoya further stated.

Anonymous ID: c601fc July 28, 2020, 11:30 a.m. No.10104413   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another Expert Confirms Trump Was Right: Hydroxychloroquine Saves Lives, 'Propaganda War' Is Killing People


As the number of deaths from COVID-19 rises, the debate over the effectiveness of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine has also persisted.


In an op-ed published by Newsweek, Yale Epidemiology Professor Dr. Harvey Risch wrote that hydroxychloroquine is "highly effective, especially when given in combination with the antibiotics azithromycin or doxycycline and the nutritional supplement zinc."


Risch said the drug works against the virus when taken early before it multiplies throughout the body. He said some physicians who prescribed hydroxychloroquine to patients are now being scrutinized for their actions.


But the Yale professor contends that these determined doctors were working in the best interest of their patients.


"Physicians who have been using these medications in the face of widespread skepticism have been truly heroic," he wrote. "They have done what the science shows is best for their patients, often at great personal risk.


“I myself know of two doctors who have saved the lives of hundreds of patients with these medications but are now fighting state medical boards to save their licenses and reputations. The cases against them are completely without scientific merit," Risch added.


Hydroxychloroquine was praised by President Trump early on in the pandemic, despite warnings from some public health officials that the drug's effectiveness against COVID-19 was questionable.


CBN News previously reported that a new study revealed the drug was actually helping patients survive COVID-19. In fact, the study from the Henry Ford Health System in Michigan said the drug "significantly" cut the death rate of patients.

Anonymous ID: c601fc July 28, 2020, 11:31 a.m. No.10104437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4568 >>4701 >>4816 >>4967

State-Run Chinese Company Tries To Buy Massive Resource Mine in North American Arctic


Even as China’s activities in the United States are raising fears of the communist nation’s motives, Canadian officials are raising concerns over the planned purchase of an Arctic gold mine by a state-run Chinese company.

“This purchase should not go forward,” Richard Fadden, a former national security adviser to both Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, told The Wall Street Journal.

“They are clearly adversaries, and I think we have to take that into account every time they seek to buy something,” Fadden said.

Shandong Gold Mining Co. is trying to buy Toronto-based TMAC Resources Inc., which operates a mine on Canadian soil almost 120 miles north of the Arctic Circle, The Journal reported Sunday.

The deal was approved by TMAC and has cleared all regulatory hurdles in China, but Canadian officials, who can reject the deal on the grounds of national security, have not yet added their stamp of approval, the report said.China’s activity in Canada comes as voices are being raised in Texas in opposition to a proposed wind farm. Further, last week, the U.S. booted China from its Houston consulate and alleged that China has been using researchers affiliated with the military to gather American secrets.

Shandong is controlled by the Shandong Provincial Government in China. The company said the acquisition is simply good business.

“We are a commercially focused company that is well known to the Canadian mining industry,” Jack Yue, director of corporate development and global investment for Shandong, told The Journal. “The Canadian government will decide whether to approve this acquisition, but we see it as a straightforward gold-mining transaction.”

Anonymous ID: c601fc July 28, 2020, 11:33 a.m. No.10104469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4640 >>4701 >>4816 >>4967

Kennedy Jr. Warns Parents About Danger of Using Largely Untested COVID Vaccines on Kids


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. warned against mandatory COVID-19 vaccination in a debate with Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, pointing out that ‘key parts of testing’ were ‘being skipped’


Environmental lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. warned Americans on Thursday to be cautious about any new coronavirus vaccine, pointing out that key parts of testing are being skipped.


“The Moderna vaccine, which is the lead candidate, skipped the animal testing altogether,” Kennedy said during an online debate on mandatory vaccinations with renowned Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz. The debate was aired by Valuetainment and moderated by Patrick Bet-David.


Kennedy is part of a political family, being the son of Senator Robert F. Kennedy and the nephew of President John F. Kennedy. Both were murdered in the 1960s.


Another aspect of testing was equally unsatisfying, Kennedy said. The Moderna vaccine was tested “on 45 people. They had a high-dose group of 15 people, a medium-dose group of 15 people, and a low growth group of 15 people.”


“In the low-dose group, one of the people was so sick from the vaccine they had to be hospitalized,” he explained. “That’s six percent. In the high-dose group, three people got so sick they had to be hospitalized. That’s twenty percent.”


In spite of these significant problems,


“they’re going ahead, and making two billion doses of that vaccine.”


Another problem with the testing of the coronavirus vaccine is that it’s tested not on “typical Americans,” but a carefully selected group of people who don’t suffer from certain conditions.


“They use what they call exclusionary criteria,” Kennedy said. “They are only giving these vaccines in these tests that they’re doing to the healthiest people.”


“If you look at their exclusionary idea criteria: You cannot be pregnant, you cannot be overweight, you must have never smoked a cigarette, you must have never vaped, you must have no respiratory problems in your family, you can’t suffer asthma, you can’t have diabetes, you can’t have rheumatoid arthritis or any autoimmune disease. There has to be no history of seizure in the family. These are the people they’re testing the vaccine on.”


He asked,


“What happens when they give them to the typical American? You know, Sally Six-Pack and Joe Bag of Donuts who’s 50 pounds overweight and has diabetes.”


Kennedy stressed several times that


“any other medicine … that had that kind of profile in its original phase-one study would be [dead on arrival].”


“No medical product in the world would be able to go forward with the profile that Moderna has,” he reiterated.

Anonymous ID: c601fc July 28, 2020, 11:36 a.m. No.10104552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4573 >>4816 >>4967

Elusive Epstein sex ring 'recruiter' who 'lured young women to financier's Pedophile Island' is spotted starting her 'new life' in Los Angeles as friends insist 'she was a victim too'


Natalya Malyshev, 38, is accused of recruiting young women for Jeffrey Epstein to sexually abuse in the early 2000s

Exclusive pictures show her running errands in her Los Angeles neighborhood while wearing a purple sports top, running pants and sneakers

Sources close to the Russian-born professional massage therapist insist that she is just another Epstein victim who has been left traumatized by him

Epstein victim Sarah Ransom accused Malyshev of introducing her to Epstein in the Netflix documentary Filthy Rich

South African-born Ransome claims Malyshev lured her into flying to Epstein's private 'Pedophile Island' in the Caribbean in 2006

A source told 'Natalya was a victim in this, big time. She did not know what was going to happen to Sarah Ransome on that island'


A Russian-birn massage therapist who is accused of helping depraved financier Jeffrey Epstein find new young wpmen to sexually abuse is attempting to move on from her role as an alleged sex trafficking recruiter.


Since her time allegedly working for Epstein, Natalya Malyshev has tried to start a new life in West Hollywood.


But despite her attempts to leave the past behind amid the furor over Epstein's death in prison and alleged madam Ghislaine Maxwell's arrest, the now 38-year-old's involvement was recently brought to light in hit Netflix documentary series Filthy Rich.


An investigation by tracked Malyshev to her current home, where she has been living a hermit-like existence during the coronavirus pandemic.


Much more

Anonymous ID: c601fc July 28, 2020, 11:40 a.m. No.10104617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4816 >>4967

Goldfein Departs: On a Future Bomber, Female Pilots and Surviving a Shootdown


Since revealing the next-generation bomber’s name and teasing mock-up images four years ago, the Air Force has tried to strike a balance between talking openly about the B-21 Raider acquisition effort the Pentagon's biggest since the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program kicked off in the 1990s and guarding details of its advanced technology.


The future stealth bomber's design and early development have hit planned milestones, defense officials have said. But the project remains under a veil of secrecy as the Pentagon pursues its strategy to take on more formidable foes, such as Russia and China.


The years of secrecy raise questions about what else the service has in development, especially as this year's Air Force budget proposal asked lawmakers to support further investment in classified programs. Should the American public keep an eye out for other secret weapons to make a surprise debut?


"Maybe," Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein, who's set to retire Aug. 6, said in a July 22 interview. "As it should be no surprise to you, that of the services, the vast majority of those [secret] things, those capabilities are in the Air Force – and the Space Force."


This reporter posed a similar question to then-Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson in 2019.


"We always have things in the works that we can't talk about," Goldfein said. "This is part of what I would call a reveal-and-conceal strategy. It's a little hard to deter someone if they don't know what you have."


He continued, "If you truly want to deter, which is our overall intent because we'd prefer not to fight, then you have to reveal at a time and place of your choosing what you have. That's why I say maybe, because that's a secretary of defense, really a presidential decision, of when we reveal."


Goldfein spoke on a number of topics, from his mission to build a more inclusive service to ensuring bomber forces stay ready. He also reflected on his own high-profile shootdown and rescue in Serbia in 1999. His comments have been edited for clarity and brevity.

Anonymous ID: c601fc July 28, 2020, 11:44 a.m. No.10104686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4693

Barr, Wray and White House Plan to Steal Almost $2 BILLION from Coronavirus Relief Funds to Build New FBI Headquarters


The Republican coronavirus stimulus proposal includes funds for the design and construction of a new FBI headquarters at the request of the Trump administration.


The bill includes $1.75 billion “for the design and construction of a Washington, D.C. headquarters facility for the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” according to the bill text.

The provision comes after the administration’s successful push for the funds caused significant problems during the intraparty negotiations.


But the funding could still face an uncertain future, with at least two key Republicans withholding full support.


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell initially indicated at a news conference Monday that he was not aware the FBI provision was in the bill but then moments later said the White House “insisted that be included.”


McConnell was then asked if it was possible an almost $2 billion could be in the measure without his knowledge, and he seemed to suggest he was aware.


“Well, in regard to that proposal, obviously we had to have an agreement with the administration in order get started. And they will have to answer the question as to why they insisted on that.”


Asked if he supported it being in there, he said, “You’ll have to ask them why they insisted that be included.”

Anonymous ID: c601fc July 28, 2020, 11:45 a.m. No.10104700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4712 >>4740

CAUGHT!! Senator Lindsey Graham lies his tail off about Russia to Maria Bartiromo


This shameful act shows that Lindsey Graham is one of the Republican members of the Cabal, using the Russiagate hoax to try to control Trump and US foreign policy


Several of my recent pieces pointed the finger at South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham for supporting Russiagate even while being the most prominent Republican voice speaking out against the use of the false narrative against the President. Watch this video, an interview with Fox Business’ Maria Bartiromo:


Notice all those times Lindsey Graham refers to “the Russian sub-source”?


Sorry, LIndsey, the source is not a Russian. And, you know this, sir.


It is a Ukrainian-born person living in America named Igor Danchenko who was the subsource for the Steele Dossier. Gregg Jarrett has a couple pieces on this, one which we quoted from extensively in this piece, published earlier today. But here is more information, written in a Fox piece by Julia Musto:


In an interview on “Fox & Friends,” Jarrett explained that he had previously run into former Brookings Institution senior research analyst Igor Danchenko’s name several times.


“I could never piece it together. Because frankly…it is so wild and stupid that Steele’s source was not from Russia but — it’s a guy in Washington, D.C. working for the liberal Brookings Institution,” he said.


“Now, it sort of makes sense because the president of Brookings at the time was Strobe Talbott: [a] long-time Hillary Clinton ally who was hoping to fuel the collusion narrative and had his own contacts with Christopher Steele,” said Jarrett…


…The FBI knew who Danchenko was and interviewed him in 2017 about the information he provided for the Steele dossier that purported to show Trump campaign ties to the Russian government. Danchenko cooperated on the condition the FBI keep his identity secret so he could protect himself, the paper reported.


But that all changed when Attorney General William Barr directed the FBI to declassify the report about its three-day interview of Danchenko and turn it over to Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., whose Judiciary Committee has been investigating the origins of the Russia probe. Graham wanted the interview out because it further undercuts the credibility of the Steele dossier, he said.


Graham released the declassified documents July 17 that had redacted Danchenko’s name and identifying information, but an online blog post titled “I Found the Primary Subsource” pieced together clues and identified Danchekno. RT, a Kremlin-owned news site, then published an article also outing Danchenko’s name.


Danchenko was born in Ukraine and is a Russian-trained lawyer who earned degrees at the University of Louisville and Georgetown University, the Times reported. For five years until 2010, he worked at the Brookings Institution where he obtained Vladimir Putin’s dissertation and documented evidence of plagiarism.

Anonymous ID: c601fc July 28, 2020, 11:46 a.m. No.10104710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4967

NBA Commissioner Gives Massive Donation to Biden


According to the Federal Election Commission, NBA Commissioner Adam Silver, who is seen by many as a puppet to Communist China, donated the maximum possible amount to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.


“Listed on Page 817 of the report, Silver even listed his occupation as ‘NBA/Commissioner,” Outkick the Coverage reports.


The donation comes as no surprise considering Biden is known for going easy on Communist China.


Silver has a history of left-wing behavior. In 2019, Silver opposed the word “owner,” saying that it shouldn’t be used to describe someone who owns the team: “We moved away from that term years ago … I don’t want to overreact to the term because, as I said earlier, people end up twisting themselves into knots avoiding the use of the word owner. But, we moved away from that term years ago in the league … We call our team owners ‘Governor of the team’ and ‘alternate Governor.’”


Check out what Clay Travis had to say about Silver’s use of politics in the NBA: “If the NBA players, coaches and commissioner want to argue the league should be making political statements in this country, which they clearly are with names on the back of jerseys changed to player causes and ‘Black Lives Matter’ spelled out on the court itself, how in the world can the league express respect for communist Chinese values while tearing down American values?”


Silver is clearly a puppet to Communist China considering the NBA fails to condemn them for their oppressive behavior.


Back when China was taking over Hong Kong, Houston Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey came under fire for tweeting, “Fight For Freedom. Stand With Hong Kong.”


The Ringer reported, “After general manager Daryl Morey expressed support in a since-deleted tweet for pro-democracy efforts in Hong Kong, the Chinese government, the Chinese Basketball Association, and various Chinese businesses quickly denounced Morey and moved to sever ties with the Rockets. As a consequence, league sources told The Ringer that Rockets ownership has debated Morey’s employment status and whether to replace him.”


Read what NBA chief communications officer Mike Bass had to say in response to Morey’s tweet:


We recognize that the views expressed by Houston Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey have deeply offended many of our friends and fans in China, which is regrettable. While Daryl has made it clear that his tweet does not represent the Rockets or the NBA, the values of the league support individuals’ educating themselves and sharing their views on matters important to them. We have great respect for the history and culture of China and hope that sports and the NBA can be used as a unifying force to bridge cultural divides and bring people together.

Anonymous ID: c601fc July 28, 2020, 11:47 a.m. No.10104720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4967

Belarusian president reveals he overcame coronavirus ‘on his feet’


Alexander Lukashenko said he was asymptomatic



MINSK, July 28. /TASS/. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has confirmed that he overcame coronavirus ‘on his feet’ and was asymptomatic, he said Tuesday when visiting a military base of the Interior Ministry’s internal troops in Minsk.


"As I said, 97% of the population are asymptomatic after contracting the virus. Thank God, I managed to be among the ranks of those asymptomatic," BelTA news agency quoted him as saying. "I finally managed to get into this golden fund of Belarus, by overcoming this virus."


According to Lukashenko, the leadership and military personnel of the national security system "are meeting a person who managed to overcome coronavirus on his feet." "That’s what doctors said yesterday. [I was] asymptomatic," the leader noted.


Belarus has identified more than 67,000 coronavirus cases. National authorities refused to impose lockdown measures to counter the spread of the virus, opting to hold mass events and greenlighting the presidential election campaign. The vote is scheduled to take place on August 9.


Lukashenko recommended Belarusians to keep calm and shared a few words of advice with the population on how to defeat the virus. For instance, he underlined that eating fatty food like butter can help as well as strolls outside and doing exercise. Moreover, the leader recommended Belarusians to hop in a tractor to plough fields, go to saunas or down 100 ml of vodka but only after work. In early July, Lukashenko claimed that Belarus had defeated the coronavirus infection by showing "political robustness and conventional wisdom."

Anonymous ID: c601fc July 28, 2020, 11:49 a.m. No.10104745   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Knesset virus panel chair ousted by Likud after butting heads with Netanyahu


‘I acted according to my conscience,’ says Yifat Shasha-Biton, whose committee overturned several cabinet restrictions meant to contain pandemic


Coalition whip Miki Zohar on Tuesday informed the head of a parliamentary panel that she would be removed from her post after drawing the government’s ire for overturning coronavirus-related restrictions.


The move was among disciplinary measures enacted against a number of Likud lawmakers for allegedly breaking coalition discipline.


“I wish to inform you that in light of your conduct and absence from obligatory votes in the plenum… it’s been decided to remove you from your post of Coronavirus Committee chairwoman,” Zohar wrote in a letter to MK Yifat Shasha-Biton.


Responding to Zohar, Shasha-Biton said the decision to oust her was Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s.


“I acted according to my conscious. The prime minister’s decision to fire me is meant to prevent serious deliberations, discourse, listening to the public, [and] other voices being heard,” she wrote on Twitter. “I’m also happy that I opened the committee to the public with transparency, seriousness and full attentiveness, and I pledge to continue to do so in the future in whatever position I’m in.”


Shasha-Biton, who has led the committee since June, butted heads with Netanyahu for overturning a number of cabinet decisions to restrict businesses during the pandemic, including the closures of restaurants, gyms and pools.

Anonymous ID: c601fc July 28, 2020, 11:52 a.m. No.10104773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4967 >>4971

Antitrust Hearings: Morgan Stanley Exec Says Breaking Up Big Tech Companies Makes No Sense


The CEOs for major tech giants Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and Google will testify Wednesday before a Congressional antitrust subcommittee. While many on Capitol Hill have called for these monolithic companies to be broken up, Morgan Stanley Vice Chairman Robert Kindler has said he thinks the idea “doesn’t make any sense.”


“I think companies like Amazon have been absolutely terrific for the economy and for the consumer,” Kindler said in a CNBC interview. “What would we have done during this pandemic if we didn’t have companies like Amazon? I just can’t imagine that people don’t think that these are fantastic things that all of these huge companies have brought.”


Kindler, who also handles global mergers and acquisitions for the multinational investment bank, said that despite the criticisms leveled against them, breaking up these major companies would offer little benefit for consumers. He added that breaking up some would be a net negative for consumers, as it would do away with some of the cheap and convenient services that they offer.


“I don’t see the reason why you would break them up,” Kindler continued. “What are you going to spin out, Instagram? YouTube?…Do I think these companies have not served the consumer? Of course they have. I think it’s been one of the great things that’s happened to the consumer.”


All four companies involved in the hearing are being targeted for specific allegations of anti-competitive practices. Apple for its tight control of digital apps, Google for its huge footprint in digital ads, Facebook for its market share of social media following its acquisitions of Instagram and WhatsApp, and Amazon for its use of third-party seller data to create its own products. Altogether, these companies hold a staggering market value of nearly $5 trillion.


Chamath Palihapitiya, a former executive at Facebook, has argued for the break-up of these market-leading mega-companies and said that it will be inevitable by the end of the decade.


“Are they going to get broken up? Yes,” he said. “Will every single government go after them? Absolutely. State, local, federal … all around the world. First, they’ll get taxed to death, then they’ll get trust-busted.”


"One big club and we're not in it"

Anonymous ID: c601fc July 28, 2020, 11:55 a.m. No.10104803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4967

Seattle: African Immigrants Flying Flag of Terrorist Separatist Group Beat White Man in The Street


Viral video out of Seattle shows a mob of African immigrants assaulting a white man in the street while screaming racial epithets and proudly flying the flag of the terrorist separatist group the Oromo Liberation Front.


The mob is seen swarming the man outnumbering him around 7 to 1 and punching him repeatedly and kicking him while he's on the ground as shocked onlookers scream in horror.


The woman who filmed the incident is heard shouting at the top of her lungs to try and get the mob to stop and saying: "They're beating him! He's a white boy! They're beating him!"


Video of the attack appears to have first surfaced on Friday.


The assault was complete ignored by the media and was only picked up by an Ethiopian site Borkena which opposes the Oromo separatist movement.

Anonymous ID: c601fc July 28, 2020, 11:58 a.m. No.10104852   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Valerie Jarrett On Fake Dossier And Russia Probe: It ‘was four years ago’ Let’s Move On


A former top senior advisor and loyalist to President Barack Obama told Fox News Business host Maria Bartiromo Tuesday that the FBI’s false investigation into President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and that it conspired with Russia is old news and “why our focus isn’t what’s happening right now.”


This stunning statement came from Obama’s most loyal advisor Valerie Jarrett, who also stated that the investigators in the Trump Russia investigation behaved appropriately, despite a plethora of evidence suggesting otherwise.


Baritromo asked Jarrett, if former FBI Director James Comey knew that former British spy Christopher Steele’s dossier was garbage but he continued to renew warrants to spy on Carter Page, a member of the 2016 Trump campaign, shouldn’t he be prosecuted.


According to several government officials who spoke to SaraACarter.comm Comey is a central figure being investigated by the Justice Department’s criminal probe being headed by Connecticut prosecutor John Durham, who was appointed by Attorney General William Barr.


“Well, Maria look I have highly great confidence that our intelligence community, investigators comported themselves responsibly,” Jarrett said.


This “was nearly four years ago and I don’t understand why our focus isn’t on what’s happening right now,” Jarrett added.


Durham’s secret investigation is ongoing and is now a full scale criminal probe into the actions of Obama administration and FBI officials involved.


Jarrett’s comments are infuriating as she, along with so many others in the Obama administration, act as though there is a two tiered justice system.


The probe into Trump and his administration has torn the nation apart and put the nation’s security at risk. Yet, it appears that those involved in the illegal investigation operate with impunity and unless Durham brings indictments and exposes the full scale of what happened to the Trump administration it could happen again.


The malfeasance was widespread in the FBI and now evidence suggested that the most senior members of Obama’s administration were aware that there was no evidence to suggest members of the Trump campaign conspired with Russia. However, it didn’t stop the FBI agents – who were opposed to Trump’s presidency- from continuing their illegal investigation into the President and his team.


Those officials weaponized the intelligence and federal law enforcement apparatus for political purposes. It should never be allowed to happen again.


The investigation was illegal. Just look at the evidence discovered by investigators and DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz with regard to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Application warrant submitted to the secret court by the FBI.

Anonymous ID: c601fc July 28, 2020, 12:02 p.m. No.10104890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4901

How Modern Jihadism Became Co-Invented by the U.S. and Saudi Governments


Modern jihadism was co-invented in 1979 by Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan al Saud, and U.S. National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, working together, and here is the background for it, and the way — and the reasons — that it was done:


Back in the later Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church and its aristocracies had used religious fervor in order to motivate very conservative and devout people to invade foreign countries so as to spread their empire and to not need to rely only on taxes in order to fund these invasions, but also to highly motivate them by their faith in a heavenly reward. It was far cheaper this way, because these invading forces wouldn’t need to be paid so much; the reason why they’d be far cheaper is that their pay would chiefly come to them in their afterlife (if at all). That’s why people of strong faith were used. (Aristocracies always rule by deceiving the public, and faith is the way.) Those invaders were Roman Catholic Crusaders, and they went out on Crusades to spread their faith and so ‘converted’ and slaughtered millions of Muslims and Jews, so as to expand actually the aristocracies’ and preachers’ empire, which is the reason why they had been sent out on those missions (to win ‘converts’). This was charity, after all. (Today’s large tax-exempt non-profits are no different — consistently promoting their aristocracy’s invasions, out of ‘humanitarian’ concern for the ‘welfare’, or else ‘souls’, of the people they are invading — and, if need be, to kill ‘bad people’. This has been the reality. And it still is. It’s the way to sell imperialism to individuals who won’t benefit from imperialism — make mental slaves of them.)


The original Islamic version of the Christian Crusades, Islamic Holy War or “jihad,” started on 14 November 1914 in Constantinople (today’s Istanbul) when the Sheikh Hayri Bey, the supreme religious authority in the Ottoman Empire, along with the Ottoman Emperor, Mehmed V, declared a Holy War for their Muslim followers to take up arms against Britain, France, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro in World War I. They were on Germany’s side, and lost. (That’s the reason why the Ottoman Empire ended.) Both the Sheikh and the Emperor had actually been selected — and then forced — by Turkey’s aristocracy, for them to declare Islamic Holy War at that time. In fact, the sitting Sheikh, Mehmet Cemaleddin Efendi, in 1913, was actually an opponent of the pro-German and war-oriented policy of the Union and Progress Party, which represented Turkey’s aristocrats, and so that Sheikh was replaced by them, in order to enable a declaration of Islamic Holy War. Jihad actually had its origin in Turkey’s aristocracy — not in the Muslim masses, and not even in the Muslim clergy. It resulted from an overly ambitious Turkish aristocracy, hoping to extend their empire. It did not result from the public. And, at that time, relatively few Muslims followed this ‘Holy’ command, which is one reason why the Ottoman Empire soon thereafter ended.


Incidentally, so as to clarify how Turkey’s aristocracy ran the show, at that time, Taner Akçam’s September 2006 “The Ottoman Documents and the Genocidal Policies of the Committee for Union and Progress … toward the Armenians in 1915” reported that:


The fact that the decision about the Armenians was made after a great deal of thought, based on extensive debate and discussion by the Central Committee of the CUP [Committee for Union and Progress], can be understood by looking at other sources of information as well. The indictment of the Main Trial states as follows: ‘‘The murder and annihilation of the Armenians was a decision taken by the Central Committee of the Union and Progress Party.’’ These decisions were the result of ‘‘long and extensive discussions.’’ In the indictment are the statements of Dr. Nazım to the effect that ‘‘it was a matter taken by the Central Committee after thinking through all sides of the issue’’ and that it was ‘‘an attempt to reach a final solution to the Eastern Question.’’54 In his memoirs, which were published in the newspaper Vakit, Celal, the governor of Aleppo, describes the same words being spoken to him by a deputy of the Ottoman Parliament from Konya, coming as a ‘‘greeting of a member of the Central Committee.’’ This deputy told Celal that if he had ‘‘expressed an opinion that opposed the point of view of the others, [he would] have been expelled.’’55



Anonymous ID: c601fc July 28, 2020, 12:03 p.m. No.10104901   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Government is doing that because at this final stage in the 7-year-long war, it wants civilian deaths and additional destruction of buildings to be kept to a minimum, and so is offering jihadists the option of surviving instead of being forced to fight to the death (which would then require Syria’s Government to destroy the entire area that’s occupied by the terrorists); this way, these final clean-up operations against the terrorists won’t necessarily require bombing whole neighborhoods — surrenders thus become likelier, so as to end the war as soon as possible, and to keep destruction and civilian casualties at a minimum.


The Syrian and Russian Governments had planned to finish them off there in Idlib, so that none of them could escape back into their home countries to continue their jihad. However, the U.S. and its allies raised ‘humanitarian’ screams at the U.N. and other international organizations, in order to protect the ‘rebels’ against the ‘barbarous dictator’ of Syria, its President, Bashar al-Assad — just in order to create more anti-Assad (and anti-Russian, and anti-Iranian) propaganda. And, so, on 9 and 10 September 2018, Putin and Erdogan and Rouhani met in Rouhani’s Tehran to decide what to do. By that time, Erdogan was riding the fence between Washington and Moscow. On 17 September 2018, I headlined “Putin and Erdogan Plan Syria-Idlib DMZ as I Recommended” and reported that Putin and Rouhani entrusted Idlib to Erdogan, with the expectation that Erdogan would keep the jihadists penned-up there, so that Putin and Assad would be able to bomb them to hell after the ‘humanitarian crisis’ in Idlib would be no longer on front pages.


As things turned out, Erdogan double-crossed Putin and Rouhani, and just grabbed the territory.


The role of the United Nations in this has been to stand aside and pretend that it’s a ‘humanitarian crisis’ (as the U.S. regime wanted it to be called) instead of a U.S.-and-allied invasion, aggressive war, and consequently a vast war-crime such as Hitler’s top leaders were prosecuted and executed for at Nuremberg. As Miri Wood wrote, at Syria News, on 28 February 2018:


Members of the General Assembly must be in good financial standing to vote. Dues are on a sliding scale but do not factor in draconian sanctions against targeted members, nor crimes of war involved in their destruction. As such, CAR, Libya, Venezuela and Yemen have been stripped of their voting rights. The non-permanent SC members function as obedient House Servants to the P3 bullies, ever mindful of placing self-preservation above moral integrity.


So Truman’s U.N. turns out to be on the side of the new Nazism, against its victims.



Anonymous ID: c601fc July 28, 2020, 12:05 p.m. No.10104920   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russian FSB Eliminates Tajik Citizen Planning To Carry Out Terror Attack In Moscow


On July 27th, Russia’s security service – FSB eliminated a terrorist in Khimki, near Moscow.


The eliminated individual was planning a mass shooting in Moscow, according to the FSB.


“The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Investigative Committee, suppressed the activities of a member of a terrorist organization who was planning to commit a terrorist act in one of the crowded places in Moscow,” the FSB’s Public Relations Center said.


The suspect, who rented an apartment in Moscow, was found in an containing a lot of abandoned garages in Khimki.


According to the FSB, he was a citizen of a Central Asian country.


While authorities were attempting to arrest him, the man opened fire on law enforcement and he was neutralized.


During the inspection of the scene, an AK-74 assault rifle, three loaded magazines, two F-1 grenades and one RGD fragmentation grenade were found.


According to source of Russian state outlet TASS, the individual was named Odil Kayumov and is a citizen of Tajikistan. He entered Russia completely legally. He had a work permit.


In the course of a search carried out by investigators of the Investigative Committee in the apartment he rented, material evidence was found that the suspect was associated with representatives of an international terrorist organization in Syria and was preparing a mass shooting. A search for his possible accomplices is underway.


According to a TASS source in law enforcement, the militant planned to stage a terrorist attack in a park in Moscow on July 26th, and a criminal case on attempted terrorist attack was also initiated. Something must have impeded the attack, since he was eliminated on July 27th.


In the week ending on July 26th, the FSB, with the participation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian National Guard, detained 22 members of a cell of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan terrorist organization.


In addition, on July 22nd, the FSB prevented a terrorist attack in Kabardino-Balkaria, which was being prepared by members of ISISI against law enforcement officers.