Update 4 - Tonic water (Quinine) w/ ZINC supplements and lots of sunshine. (50 year old male) (Daily regimen / 4 months)
With all the HCQ talk recently thought I would fill you in on 4 month progress.
I start to ramble toward the end only because I am still a little shocked, starting to feel like different person now. I have well passed most of the placebo affect I would think.
Why? Maybe it is de-calcifying pineal gland or something. Maybe it's the many other healing properties of Quinine. Not sure. I am excited to see where this takes me. No joke.
I would love to see a deep dive on HCQ and tonic water.
First off it is my favorite drink now. Great taste and refreshing. (cut with water or not)
Taking HCQ + ZINC everyday.
Lowered levels a zinc to 30-50 mg daily.
Still hard to find ZINC.
Tonic water I can buy 10 at a time or more, I stock in my basement food pantry.
Have about 18 bottles currently on the shelf.
Like I said, have been on TONIC WATER (3 different brands)
and ZINC for 4 months now.
I drink over 1 quart of HCQ daily. Cut with ice and water most of the time.
Have not skipped 1 day.
I have not been sick even 1 day. I am more emotional and confident than I have ever been. I have lots of energy but can sleep almost on command.
ENERGY LEVEL - For instance, I have about 1 acre of property that I walk behind (2 blade) mow in 2 stages for years. Now I start in front and finish in back using a faster mower speed. I don't have to stop like I have for years. That is including the extra quarter acre I cleared and planted grass on this year. Something I have been putting off for 10 years.
SLEEP - I can't read phone or anything before bed at night anymore. Because once I lay my head down I am gonzo. I can almost nap during the day very easily now, never a napper before.
EMOTIONALLY / SPIRITUALLY: Ask forgiveness from my son for something that I put off for 10 years. At peace with wife 22 years married. We seem to get along better for some reason. Listening to the Bible again more. Chuck Smith and Chuck Missler mainly. Gone through studies DANIEL and MYSTERY BABYLON (Missler), KINGS-JOB (Smith) now back listening to DANIEL and Mystery Babylon again. Seems like I cannot get enough.
APPETITE - I crave meat constantly. I have steak almost everyday. I love healthy food more than ever. Cucumbers for some reason. But all fruits and vegetables really. Still eat some sweats to.
BODY - Hair and skin feel great. I have had some strange blood blisters and things like that on and off. Cleansing? Not sure. I have the best tan I have had for years, mainly because the heat isn't bothering me. Less body cramps than I had before. I feel great and have more stamina than I have had for years. Have not lost anymore weight but I am starting to dream vivid dreams. The other night I had a dream then I woke up, was relieved to wake, then woke up again for real. A dream within a dream. No fogginess in dream, I wasn't slow or confused in dream, seemed lifelike.
WORK - I am systems analyst and things have coming easy lately. Problems aren't as insurmountable or overwhelming as before. I have finished several big projects recently that went fairly smooth considering the technical nature. Even when I had to troubleshoot, seemed to move right along.
OTHER THINGS - Normally I could do these things, but not all of them in such a short span.
Cleaned outside of entire house with 1/4 bleach and water. Including north side roof.
Cleared 1/3 acre of heavy brush, vines, stones and planted grass.
Trimmed 10+ trees.
Installed SOLAR lighting all around the South side of the home. Mainly for security and safety.
Dug 1 foot wide trench along blacktop driveway 100 ft, and filled with driveway gravel to save edges. Shovel, edger and wheel barrow. I have been putting that project off for 5 years. Actually only half done at this point. Will finish this weekend.
Fixed clock spring on son's car.
Put new headlight assemblies in wife's car for er birthday (old clouded over).
Taking dog on DAILY walk. Never did that daily before.
Set record with son playing frisbee 100 feet apart. 340 catches and counting without drop. Ran out of sunlight.
Took up DISC golf. I have played over 30 rounds. Bought 10 different DISCs now, putting that of for 15 years. I have app on phone for finding and tracking new courses and scores.
While playing DISC gold I actually can birdie many holes, almost had hole in one. Cannot out drive son yet, soon very soon though. (50 years old BTW)
on an on and on…
Sorry for any typos. Will update again at 6 month point… God bless.