Anonymous ID: 05c642 July 28, 2020, 12:58 p.m. No.10105859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5946 >>6204 >>6239 >>6440 >>6621

A message for Antifa, BLM (compromised), Governor Kate Brown and Mayor Ted Wheeler in Portland:


My source is not, I repeat, IS NOT fucking around when he told me about the recent use of an actual explosive weapon used last night. He works within the government and deals with investigations regarding government officials (which is ALL I will reveal about his identity as s/he can easily be doxxed).


You fucked up large last night. LARGE.

Information about last nights escalation with an explosive device made its way to the Department of Defense within seconds. You are now listed as Domestic Terrorists, and with the engagement with an actual (non-improvised) explosive weapon, you have forced them to shift their strategy from a crowd-control stance to an offensive engagement stance. According to my source’s higher ups, now that a high-casualty weapon has been used, the US Marshals and Federal Officers are now instructed to use lethal force against ANY individual brandishing a weapon, improvised (frozen water bottles, bricks, etc…) or not (bombs, molotovs, guns, knives, blunt objects like hammers or bats). Like I said, you fucked up LARGE. Live-streams are orders of magnitude better than actual surveillance.


For Kate Brown and Ted Wheeler:


You are now seen, officially, as accessories. Mayor Wheeler is now being investigated for being an enemy of the state. Your support of the riots and violence was already loosely legal—and last night’s escalation has solidified the DoD AND the DoJ’s decision to mark you both as domestic terrorists, and they are officially indicting you both in civilian and military courts. The investigation has finished following the money, no matter what you will be tried for crimes against the United States. You are now barred from certain security briefings and will not be consulted for future operations. As you know, this isn’t a game.


You are expected to make a joint press conference no later than 09:00/12:00EST on Wednesday, July 28th officially withdrawing all support while endorsing federal response.


This will not absolve you of any crimes. However, it will help to dictate the terms of your charges. They have you dead to rights.