Anonymous ID: 7f1ca5 July 28, 2020, 2:32 p.m. No.10106905   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The White House’s new, enhanced video and image strategies are exceptional. I waiting, assuming they would regress, but they haven’t.


They even got Ivanka to change her shampoo so her beautiful hair moves more often.


  1. Brief White House events’ trailers, previews and summary videos using participants and staff


  1. More eye level images and videos. Previously, high angles were used too frequently.


  1. More flattering lighting for Oval Office pics


  1. Fewer hootenannies around the President’s desk. It had lowered the value of being in the Oval Office. White House rooms and grounds are usually sufficient.


  1. Post production strikingly absent too often previously. Greatly enhanced the utilization of graphics, music and clever cutting


  1. Event profiles are better planned for image and video communications with the public. May be loosely or tightley storyboarded prior to events now. Kudlow on a crane. Don Jr blowing up gophers out back.


  1. Balconies need taller (2’) green plants or potted hedges behind the railings, perhaps with short, falling ivy.


  1. POV camera work for Portnoy (appropriately “tailor”) was superb, modern, fresh. Pillar background for POTUS, not central to the shot.


  1. Chewy’s galloping South Lawn video of the President embarking Marine One was terrifyingly good. “Will he catch up to him, yes or no?” Consider the impact of the startling sound of the engine firing up as a video moment. AF1 and the Beast too.


  1. They are totally renovating the Rose Garden to better suit press conferences. Fine.


  1. July 4th silhouettes of POTUS/FLOTUS excellent. More of them smiling at each other. Avoid circulating “all this for a damn flag” expressions.


  1. Uncrowded Press Hallway/swimming pool stage for fake covid pressers have been much better. Prior iterations equalized nobody lying bureaucrats with the President. The format of those earlier ones was less effective.