Re Building 8
That's the building we were looking at months ago. I kinda remember a blast had occurred inside and windows were open to air it out. Closeup pictures showed the open or blasted windows.
That's an excellent idea. However, if they backed out, would it just be "conspiracy to commit a crime"? Facebag should most certainly be held accountable for that nonsense, because we definitely have laws against this bullshit.
Did anyone see we made it BIG TIME?
I know, but considering that it references Pizzagate (and only Pizzagate), it's not a well-enough researched article to be a real disqualifying article that would satisfy anyone who is even remotely objective. It's been reported on by somewhat reputable individuals. Why are they even paying attention? We're just a bunch of crazies with NO credibility.
Saucy minx. Thank you for putting some of that bullshit together. I've been on the road and didn't have time away from everyone to focus enough.
Mexico's paying for the wall. Without the wall the lure for these psychopaths is overwhelming to access the U.S. gravy train.
I'm betting it's right up there with the proof that Adam Schiff has against Trump. A metric fuckton of cash and the threat of having their purses dumped on the table. Bring don't sing it, little man!