In this archive [], post 7891408 [image 1], ID a50567 publishes photo of an earlier anon post made on 2/26/19 [photo 2] which said
Moebius Strip.
Think Mirror."
Then later on 04/22/19, Avengers Endgame premiered in which the shape of a mobius strip is the key to solving Time Travel [see scene]. Film released 04/26/19.
So Anon foreshadowed the film..
Anyways, the anon in this archive making this connection for us emphasizes "Time reveals all" and "There will come a day when they will look for what they missed" and other info [see archive].
Then on April 16 2020, Q3975, Q publishes a link to a youtube video with a Torus Mobius Strip [photo 3 is post, photo 4 is the video].
Photo 5 is google results for "mobius strip torus"
Could be interpreted as Q proving validity/legitimacy of the earlier anon.
There are many more "coincidences" like this and valuable information (big crumbs).
I began at post >>10089752 and have only scratched the surface of this anon's posts [which Q has validated numerous times]
It is in a more obscure Qresearch thread and the information is apparently being slid by shills but it is highly valuable and overlooked!