Morning Joe was mocking her/them this morning for wearing white lab coats—the inference was very clear that it "made them look official, despite spewing misinformation." I applaud their truth-drop (probably missed by most of their audience) about the "white lab-coat spell" to which society has fallen victim forever.
Then…they introduced their female expert to re-assert the official "HCQ doesn't work and might kill you" narrative…of course…wearing a white lab coat.
So much of this world's lies are established and partly maintained based on costume spells. If they're wearing a costume (Pope, Nuns, Doc in white lab-coat, Cops, Soldier… even a business suit… stop and analyze its effect on your psychological reaction to them based on that alone. Imagine them saying and doing what they are in a T-shirt and sweat pants. Costumes are powerful spells.