Ty anon!!!!!
!!!! Which makes the crops non-organic if the fucking pigs got fed GMO crops.
Precisely!!!!! We have to get back to encouraging white families to have children.... that's been the great brainwashing of the last 70 years.
First they told them that they shouldn't have more than replacement children (2)... then they put the screws to them form both ways... make everything cost more and lowering income for 40 years.... then they lowered interest rates and raised them and tons of people lost their homes...
It's no coincidence that Trump is encouraging immigration from Norway.
Yeah.... ridiculous.... lots of shit here I can't comment on because I don't see the shit storm but that was one thing I did see.
>the system needs to die and re-set
Totally agree. I see it every day. Live in the middle of farm country.
>Easy. Put a bunch of anons in a chan….
We fulfill a critical need for a POTUS at war.
you don't fucking understand that a lot of this is about crucifying the msm... you can't crucify them in a day or a month.... it has to be a long slow process until their ratings collapse and everyone is pissed off. It's well underway.
thank you anon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I totally know about that. No personal experience but I LOVE joel salatin. Was a part of market gardening success on facebook for 2-3 years and was one of the louder voices there at times. No longer there.
No problem at all. I've been here for 3 months. I've been researching, digging, and learning about everything and anything for well over 20 years. No television growing up. Did over 1000 book reports in 4th grade for Read a Million Minutes. I can read 1200+ words per minute at 80% comprehension. (Not quite so fast on the chan... too much of a variety of topics here.... kek.) I have an associates degree from Well I Tried and a Google PHD. This is all I like to do at times... work 20 hours a week as a handyman. Christian Carpenter is a good description of what I do.
thank you anon. I wish that we would raise pigs in the woods a lot more than we currently do.
Now.... if you want to continue the discussion further, I do have my own board at >>>/villageidiots/150 feel free to comment there and I will respond as soon as I'm able. This evening for anyone commenting today.
ugh I saw that in the last bread but didn't catch the Q. Thanks.