anons catching up!!!
starting bread 1251 and up, post-drop and confirmation by Q, there are (1) post drops here and there with yuge crumbs… not only (1) posts IDs are worth looking for, though, some have been quite busy…
Threads all the way to now are well worth looking over for things/posts missed…
>>1010038 FollowTheWives_WitchHunting (JA?)
>>1010045 MCAnons_Tales of the Dark Priestess of Dark Ops
moar(far from complete selection, missing witchhunt posts, some Dugan Digs, etc):
these 3 posts are fascinating because they are "hidden": i had to notice the users talking to me, go see their other posts, and stumble on this (first and third comments are the only posts from that ID in the thread. Lazard didn't seem to be an answer to a question, it's just there - ie, Learn the comms):
>>1009350 << Lazard. Definitely dig-worthy
>>1009372 << Old old old money from way back into France. Connect'd currently you think?
>>1009397 << Looks like a solid lead on where Clinton interests and roth interest may meet.
>>1005458 <<
>>1005634 <<
>>1005641 <<
>>1005688 <<
>>1005697 <<
>>1005761 <<
>>1005786 <<
>>1005817 <<
>>1005907 <<
>>1006271 <<
>>1006373 <<
>>1005867 <<
>>1007038 <<
>>1007751 <<
>>1007308 <<
>"There WAS a tidal shift going on in Silicon Valley, and those of us in this industry have greater responsibilities than ever before."
Did Zuckerberg create Facebook? Nope.
The theft of social networking is the most costly theft in the history of man. Zuckerberg isn't the one who stole it, but he's the face of the people that did.
>>1008644 Snowden/MCAnons MicDrops_A
>>1008654 Snowden/MCAnons MicDrops_B
>>1009552 <<
>File (hide): 76d61da49b668b1?.png (435.66 KB, 759x422, 759:422, fbBldg8.readBrainwaves.NO.png)
(last bread)
>>1009445 you should add
>>1008733 to your notables
>>1008732 on Regina Dugan. On April Fool's Day, no less. HA! Shall we call Her The Dark Priestess of Dark Ops?
+there's much, much more
+there's much, much more
+there's much, much more