I haven't seen it mentioned so far, so I'm going to mention it now. There is such a thing as dual citizenship. Has any anon dug and sauced the current status of the Hank's US citizenship?
It's not a verified twitter account, you know.
Probably happened while in the White House and some aide thought it would drive up support and did it for him. I remember the news story at the time that his account was following pornhub. kek.
She's an activist though. So anon is tempted to give her a pass on that one.
Depends on what you mean by love. Kinda difficult to find a prospective SO on anonymous message board dontcha think? But love of my fellow humans, especially patriots, then yes.
> lining up to buy weapons
Youv'e got it wrong anon. This is simply advanced tactical thinking. Hoping for the best while preparing for the worst. Thinking two steps ahead while hoping that those two steps don't happen.
You've got a lot to learn about freedom of speech. Let me ask you this. When you go in the ladies room, ever see any dirty writing on the wall? The woman who did that did it because they knew they could be anon. Same here.
That's a shitty skateboard.