>>10118803 (lb) China is asshoe. Their threat display only proves their weakness. Not to mention being a display of idiocy. If anyone starts it up before 11/3, it will be them. We will win if it goes down then, but our preference is to wait until after 11/3, or in reality until PDJT's second inaugural. At that time, our domestic situation should be settled for good, as we will have crushed their American running dog lackeys. Then we are going to move more forcefully against them. Would be a pity if that dam went, and the Chinese people discovered it had been built with some of the crap stuff they flooded us with, to profit CCP bigshots. But of course that never happened. Of course not....
>>10119315 No one can love these people. Their hearts are full of darkness.
>>10119454 The clone/double is breaking down. Sauce for the goose, as everyone knows the SC stakes riding on the election.
>>10119727 No coincidences.
>>10119870 Good chance that cavitation is eating it up inside. And they are in no position to shut anything off.