Which one of you fucking cunts refuses to buy My [P]illow?
You better.
Gacy was just 1970s-era Ed Buck.
Don't you dare sue me. I have your address after all.
Never forget that these people, ALL OF THEM, were for the system of abuse and control before they were against it. They profited from it, they relished in it, and now that the tables have turned they've taken deals to save their reputations.
They're actors, they say what they're supposed to say when they say it.
You aren't supposed to. They want you where you are.
Jim Jordan's like Lindsay "Trust Me I'm Totally on Your Side" Graham, someone compromised that's been let free on the condition that they play their role in the plan.
I'm to believe a former wrestling coach or whatever the fuck he was isn't a total faggot pedophile? Nah.
>do u have proof?
Nothing but my time-travelling mind reading discernment super powers, do you have any proof that HRC was detained on October 27th, 2017? No? Oh, ok.
Kamala Harris ffs everyone already knows.
ALSO BREAKING: Anyone actually in the know doesn't use colored text
A cage match of Fauci Vs. a large African woman would definitely raise spirits, just sayin'.
Why are they wearing helmets sitting at computers?