Anonymous ID: 0ec82b July 29, 2020, 7:13 p.m. No.10120491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0506 >>0535 >>0600


Some thoughts on this. He links to an HVAC company. Didn't anons highlight how he said VACUUM yesterday?

>>10110242 (pb)

A vacuum is a state of ZERO matter, suggesting ZERO HOUR… or D-Day.

Is this what POTUS signified by "Prescription D"… retweeted at 7:53 AM today?


But there's MOAR!

POTUS made an AF1 "error" last year… "AirCraft One"…

It was on… the Fourth of July, and the prior tweet was "HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!"

The delta between the error and the "correction" was 54 min, 35 sec.

So… double reference to Q35? And "almost" to Q55?

But wait… what does Q35 actually say… POTUS will be "well insulated"… I guess he needs some HVAC guys!


But now look at the timestamp on the mistake: 7:47 AM. Hmmm… isn't 747 a PLANE… and didn't Boeing announce today that they would cease production?

So many coincidences!


But there's MOAR! Air FORCE one… "We may have to 'force' this one."

But look closely at Q1643… you see that the prior anon puts [DORSEY] in the killbox.

Who was a "no show" at the tech hearing today, despite being invited?

He can run… but he can't hide!

The 'SRIKE' will be FAST!