#10119534 at 2020-07-30 02:37:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12951: Watch for the Filter Edition
'Courage will breed courage in others. SMILE AT EVERYONE with your uncovered face. Be nice just like always before just do your shopping
>"In the event of non-compliance [the store] will expedite their transaction and provide them with other options for their future needs,"
Every store actually, just go in and don't start a fight you will be allowed to shop, be calm get your shit
and in many cases they will even expedite your checkout
hahahahahaha 'front of line service to get you out fast
>Walmart has reversed course and won't force customers to wear face masks while they shop
>Home Depot, Lowe's, and CVS, will also serve customers who aren't wearing face masks
>"We will not ask our associates to put their safety at risk by confronting customers about wearing masks," a Lowe's representative said.
>Indeed, a Home Depot spokesperson compared the company's mask requirement to its shoplifting policy, where employees are told not to block the entrance or chase after a customer.
> "It's too dangerous to forcibly or physically deny entry."
>Meanwhile, CVS said it will "ask for [customers'] cooperation" with the mask policy.
>such as delivery and drive-thru," a representative for the company said.
"In the event of non-compliance [the store] will expedite their transaction and provide them with other options for their future needs,"
Do not worry about the future needs part, that is them just trying to intimidate you.
Leave with purchase.
Come back in 10 minutes and buy some more.
'''It will be really funny to see them scramble, too>>10119430
bad you cannot see their complete facial reactions, probably sticking their tongues out at you.'''
#10119344 at 2020-07-30 02:17:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #12951: Watch for the Filter Edition
Grow a pair and have courage everywhere
July 20th took effect and reversed course July 26
Well HMMM…It lasted such a funny amount of days…
6 days
Walmart has reversed course and won't force customers to wear face masks while they shop
Home Depot, Lowe's, and CVS, will also serve customers who aren't wearing face masks
Walmart won't enforce customer mask rules to protect employees from 'physical confrontation'
by Emma Colton
Walmart has reversed course and won't force customers to wear face masks while they shop.
The company said it will still serve customers not wearing face masks in stores across the country to protect employees from "a physical confrontation," CNN reported Friday. The announcement comes after Walmart announced on July 20 that face masks would be mandatory for all shoppers to help stop the spread of the coronavirus.
"We know there may be situations that may not make it possible for everyone to wear a face covering." In those situations, "we will allow them to shop in our stores and clubs," Walmart spokeswoman Delia Garcia said.
"Our goal is to keep associates from a physical confrontation situation, and our ambassadors will be trained on those exceptions to help reduce friction for the shopper," she added.
Other companies, such as Home Depot, Lowe's, and CVS, will also serve customers who aren't wearing face masks, according to CNN.
There have been numerous incidents recently of shoppers confronting others for not wearing face masks, including at a Walmart in Florida when a man pulled a gun during an alleged argument over masks.
Vincent Scavetta, 28, was charged with aggravated assault with a firearm and improper exhibition of a firearm and arrested last week in Palm Beach County. Video showed him pulling a gun from his waistband after he was allegedly criticized by another shopper for not wearing a mask.
President Trump recently urged citizens to wear face masks and warned the pandemic will likely "get worse before it gets better" last week as cases continue to increase.
"We're asking everybody that when you are not able to socially distance, wear a mask. Get a mask, whether you like the mask or not," Trump said. "They have an impact. They'll have an effect, and we need everything we can get."
All PB
>>10119002 << << was a notable then the baker took it off?? >>10119002 Karen from the mask police dabbles in child abuse of another's child - video - downloadable mp4
was a notable then the baker took it off?