Been on an '80s thrash kick lately
what do you all listen to while digging
Been on an '80s thrash kick lately
what do you all listen to while digging
>only late at night do I find this place interesting enough to bother with nowadays.
Same here, but only occasionally anymore
Finding more pleasure in researching
weird stuff like nephilim, cryptozology, and
the roots of ancient esoteric knowledge
>It's very sophisticated, you might want to stick with Peter Frampton.
Heh…a Boomer insult
You have no power here
My musical interests are quite divirse
I gave Zappa a shot, found him pretentious
He's like the rock version of shitty modern art
and his groupies are the same type
of insufferable snobs that attempt
to make you feel inferior if you don't
pretend it's amazing and sophisticated
>Have you noticed how many of us have started doing this?
>There's been a lot of us who appear to think similarly and have all been lead down a similar path. I wonder what particularly inspired this.
>I've now witnessed an anon account something similar in multiple places.
Yes, I think many of us realized you have to dig deeper, like to the beginning, if possible. The DS is ancient and vast, we're hopelessly behind the curve if we don't focus on spirituality.