Anonymous ID: 2aef2d July 29, 2020, 9:36 p.m. No.10121796   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Our local schools are only opening for 4 half days a week for elementary school and 2 half days for high school. Mask required in school, stay in same classroom entire time. Supplemented by distance learning. There is also an option to do only distance learning. Why are they getting full funding? They aren't fully open. They are justifying this by the number of "cases". This has nothing to do with illnesses. Somebody smarter than me and active on social media needs to start a petition to reduce the funding to these schools. They are pretending to be open. Meanwhile one of us may have to quit or job so that we can truck the kids around in the middle of the day. This was all decided on by two meetings that were held in the middle of the day while most people that would actually be affected by it were working. I may just homeschool them there whole year to avoid this psyop psychological warfare being waged in the children with taxpayer money. May have to rejoin social media and get some homeschool groups started so they can see and make friends in a normal way, not as dehumanized disease carrying beasts. These people are sick