>what the hell a "breadshitter" is.
Someone who post before the dough, this: >>10122244
Etiquette is to wait before posting.
>what the hell a "breadshitter" is.
Someone who post before the dough, this: >>10122244
Etiquette is to wait before posting.
>How do I go about interpenetrating this?
It's essentially lightning activity. When there is a lighting strike somewhere the whole planet rings like a bell electromagnetically. The frequency of that ringing is of interest to scientists who want to know what's going on with the ionosphere and solar wind. These graphs show how much lightning is banging on the bell.
Idiots think that such infinitesimal waves can affect the human brain. And shills post it here to distract the easily distracted.
I think the one people are always looking at is run by a university in Tomsk. It was stormy today.
>schumann resonance is a distraction
>This again, huh?
It's in their standard rotation when they have nothing else.
Oh, the "God Helmet" guy.
>The Cabal sets up a "dummy" submarine to be destroyed,
Where does one procure a dummy submarine?