Anonymous ID: db7e3b July 30, 2020, 5:33 a.m. No.10123973   🗄️.is đź”—kun


digits 777


In some states

if you see someone in need of medical help

and you refuse to render aid

you can be found LIABLE for negligence


put that in your pipe and smoke it

all you complicit doctors and nurses

who are allowing this idiocy to control you


Doctors become doctors so that they can prescribe medications and help sick people

They don't earn a medical degree to take orders from INSURANCE COMPANIES or BUREAUCRATS

while their patients die of something curable


The frontline doctors are asking for anyone who has been helped by HCQ to contact them OR otherwise make their statement in witness


hell, doctors aren't worth a shit half the time anyway

they should all be retested for their medical licenses


Look at the statistics.

How many people die from something they caught in a hospital?

from malpractice?

from negligence?

from wrong medications?


might just be time to call the whole industry on this

And it is rather suspicious

that AIDS is a virus, too

that could ALSO BE CURED with HCQ


uh huh

uh huh

lots of money in the NIH for aids

Anonymous ID: db7e3b July 30, 2020, 6:14 a.m. No.10124249   🗄️.is đź”—kun



same thing in Huntington Beach, CA

no one was wearing a mask

"it's a hoax"

"it's a muzzle"

"didn't you learn that it's harmful to inhale your own carbon monoxide?"


these guys have been on many mainstream shows

good conflict resolution tactics and FUNNY

Anonymous ID: db7e3b July 30, 2020, 6:42 a.m. No.10124447   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4531



Looks a little suspiciously like someone groomed someone

so that someone could run a revolution

like the other revolutions going on at that time


someone wants to rule the world

and it may not really be "socialists"

am thinking

socialism is for SUCKERS

who can't solve problems thr right way

and think we will overpopulate the planet and kill ourselves


they never heard of permaculture



a little research turned up the term "social economy" (money to turn into socialism) Post Staff

March 23, 2010

11:40 AM EDT



Apparently Stephen Harper has been letting down the social economy.

I have to confess I’m not very familiar with the social economy. I assume it’s different than the economic economy, but to be honest I’m just guessing. I’d never even heard the term until I came across it on the Liberal party web site, which declares that the party is working, beaverlike, to develop it.


OTTAWA – As Liberals look forward to the Canada at 150 Conference in Montreal next weekend, Liberal MPs are meeting today on Parliament Hill with key representatives of Canada’s social economy to discuss the challenges, success stories and vision for the future of Canada’s non-government organizations, charities and cooperatives.


“The social economy, encompassing the community, voluntary and social enterprise sectors of our economy, plays a key role in Canada’s social fabric,” said Alexandra Mendès, Liberal Critic for the Canadian Economic Development Agency for the Regions of Quebec. “Today’s roundtable invited social economy leaders from across Canada to foster ongoing dialogue and engage all partners as they develop and implement initiatives to support and develop the social economy.”


The roundtable is intended to engage social economy leaders in identifying needs and priorities for capacity-building and financing initiatives.



same thing everywhere

using a country's own money to invade them

Anonymous ID: db7e3b July 30, 2020, 6:52 a.m. No.10124531   🗄️.is đź”—kun



they just want to change MASTERS


everyone else will still be the SUCKERS


even the kooks doing the hard work for them

the rioters

nothing but useful idiots

use them and throw them away when finished


if you've had to work at a crap job during the last 40 years

where they used you and abused you until you ended up at Workman's Compensation Court

for your $5:00 hr abuse session

you are familiar with how they think


they will fire you just to ruin your life

they will hire you and then fire you to ruin your life

and make you say "yes sir" "yes ma'm" while doing it


tyrants are everywhere

and you are not in the club

even if you are committing federal crimes for them


say hello when you wake the hell up