try harder
you should know
I hope all the mask faggots start wearing these
at least they've moved on … Pence is the new Biden
my theory is that they seem so stupid because they think we are
they can't actually debate or discuss ideas, because omg they might hurt someone's feelwings … they have no practice with dispute
which is why they just want to shut it all down
good luck with that, soyboys and karens
nah, they don't want Pence. they just think we will
this dude is here to demoralize, but doesn't realize he has the opposite effect
but KEK can't mention Biden! even they know he's senile!
I bet some of the mask faggots suspect it's bullshit but are too afraid of what other people will think
gotta keep the fear going. never been so disgusted in my life by "experts"
and three months to go
not even for the good of the group
most of us are not in danger from the virus and would actually benefit from the immunity gained by catching it
newsflash: those in danger from the virus aren't going to be saved by your little cloth or paper mask
say whatever you want, let others dispute you, effectively or not
isn't freedom of speech great?
I'd rather have the republic
I'm very sorry, but your friends are dumb if all that matters to them is the JFK Jr. bullshit
1) get new friends
2) stop being a shill
3) stop being a moran
I don't know everything. That is a normal human experience. Get used to it.
skeered, so skeered
this is what I suspect. it explains the over-the-top reaction to what is only slightly more deadly as the seasonal flu
every. single. time.
Fauci, like any lifetime bureaucrat, has mastered the art of CYA
after you, fucktard