Anonymous ID: be693d July 30, 2020, 8:57 a.m. No.10125665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5678








IM not sure but I think it has something to do with the Washington state gubernatorial race, potus does not like Inslee, The Republicans are supporting a never trumper but OUR guy is in there plan and fucking it up. on the 17th[kek] the sos droped an early total and our guy had a good lead Guess the number yep [11.3 ]of the total vote out of 36 guys,Site went down after like 15 min and has not gone back up but it was supposed to update each night at 7:00pm. what if Potus ordered the Military to Vote for the same person?WWG1WGA now the numbers are in they cant rig it so they will try to delay it, if there guys do not secure Gov. think missle launch,Gates,Boing,Microsoft,Intell, Berthshire hathaway Nintendo,, think about it Gov races are the important ones 8/4/20 is the election