'I come in peace.'
MAGA = 'contact'
'you have a rival'
arriving in 'waves.
first you were masked, no you will beanally probed.
Especially thosechildren under 12.
'I come in peace.'
MAGA = 'contact'
'you have a rival'
arriving in 'waves.
first you were masked, no you will beanally probed.
Especially thosechildren under 12.
260 vessel chinese fishing fleet around Galapagos…
It is also the magic constant of the n×n normal magic square and n-queens problem for n = 8, the size of an actual chess board.
260 is also the magic constant of the Franklin magic square devised by Benjamin Franklin.
52 61 4 13 20 29 36 45
14 3 62 51 46 35 30 19
53 60 5 12 21 28 37 44
11 6 59 54 43 38 27 22
55 58 7 10 23 26 39 42
9 8 57 56 41 40 25 24
50 63 2 15 18 31 34 47
16 1 64 49 48 33 32 17
The minor diagonal gives 260, and in addition a number of combinations of two half diagonals of four numbers from a corner to the center give 260.
260 are the days in Mayan sacred calendar Tzolkin. #timesup
2020 = 2012 (Ethiopian orthodox Coptic Christian Calendar)