and let's see… trumps EO.
1) tech companies drag out how long they provide 0 transparency
2) they provide false and misleading info to the all Dem led FCC
3) FCC claims there is nothing wrong with what they have been provided
4) trump and barr get flooded with proof of 2/3.
5) heads have to roll at the fcc
6) real investigation takes place
7) fcc demands they stop censoring
8) companies refuse and drag it out, likely even into court
9) judiciary drags it out for months of extensions, motions, and the flynn lawfare treatment for trump
10) fcc finally wins and forces the companies to comply, or removes their section 230 protection
11) companies ignore it anyway and keep censoring
12) people class action sue
13) #9 above.
14) appeals process until a fair judge rules in the peoples favor
15) huge settlement and lasting change, or the next DS trick.
my take? this will normally take years to accomplish
what countermoves does Q+ have to counter these obvious chess moves by the DS?