>>10125486 (PB)
Just came back from Burger King. All kinds of evil signs on the door. It was covered with them.
No mask. No problem. Had multiple lines of reply ready … the order is illegal … I am exempt … the law says I cannot wear a mask while carrying a firearm. But no one said anything. I felt compassion for the employees wearing the masks while cooking …
>>10125594 (PB)
There is no way you can be "true to your nature" when that is what is called for. Think it through … you can't play-act yourself.
>>10125625 (PB)
>>10125631 (PB)
Rush got this wrong, too. DeWine is ASKING for it to be reversed. That's a long way from DECLARING it to be reversed. I doubt if DeWine has the authority to reverse that decision.
Just because I ask the neighbor for a BJ, doesn't mean she's going to give me one.
>>10125735 (PB)
Q has not attempted to edit this site. At all.
>>10125851 (PB)
"In the history"? Here, kitty, kitty!
>>10125909 (PB)
The entire expense of the election is a "states rights" matter. They make all the choices … they write all the checks.