Anonymous ID: eff723 July 30, 2020, 11:32 a.m. No.10127836   🗄️.is 🔗kun


These two on T_D thought about it out loud


>Postponing election: Art of the deal

>When I want a 5k discount on a deal, I will negotiate for a 15k discount. By comparison, 5k sounds way better, and everyone walks away from the deal happy (I get my discount, the vendors think they talked me down 10k)


>When Trump wants an in person election, he will negotiate for a delay of election due to covid. By comparison, in-person on original Election Day sounds way better, and everyone walks away from the deal happy (Trump gets in person election, Democrats think they talked him down from postponing)


>This is Trumps strategy, change my mind




>I think he lets this tweet sit out there until next week. The 24 hour news cycle will galvanize their position against any delay.


>Then next week he lays out the logistics of mail in voting means that in order to make sure every vote gets counted they need the extra time to double verify signatures, and allow the extra time for mis-handled mail. They'd also need the extra time to weed out any counterfeit ballots. And they need the extra time to ensure there is no foreign interference.


>By cementing them against a delayed election, he would then cement them against the proper safeguards for a mail-in election. They have no choice by to support in-person on-time voting.