Secrets of Satanic Sex Magic (aka Chaos Magick)
Ov all thee things that people do, at home and in private, usually with close friends, sex alone is subject to extraordinary interference and control from outside forces. This is no accident. They recognise its power. Even if only for a few moments, Individuals can release a power and energy from within that renders any system ov society, or regime, meaningless. It is a liberator. Even an individual in solitary confinement can indulge in it and in their fantasies travel into any situation and possibility unfettered, and, at thee moment ov orgasm itself, be both blissfully vulnerable and undeniably free, elsewhere, filled with energy.
Accordingly from thee moment ov birth, pressure is exerted upon everyone to limit their release and enjoyment ov this power. To limit and restrict thee immense potential all ov us were born with, into narrow and non-threatening forms ov behaviour, sexual and otherwise.
Ov course thee nature ov this pressure varies by place and era. When specific laws becoum unenforceable for a time, more subtle methods are used; social attitudes, anxiety, guilt, fear ov ridicule and failure are all exploited, and diseases that attack only those who indulge in specific sexual activities are introduced. Most give in to this pressure in one way or another, permanently crippling their individual growth.
We believe that it is essential, if we are to survive and progress, that we first recognise, accept and ultimately reach our true sexual desires. This not only satisfies thee body and consolidates thee spirit, but acts as an example for all our goals in every area ov life, and attacks at thee root ov control. Control begins with sexuality, so it seems crucial to begin at this universally applicable point and develop our awareness from there.
In our culture people have internalised alienating stereotypes which dictate their sexual and social interactions. This makes men agreeable to orders ov authority figures and keeps women in line with accepted notions ov propriety and authority and binds up their sexual desire so that they will accept a generally subordinate role to men. Thee latter is propagated by those who are empowered by thee patriarchal lineage which has been handed down through thee ages, whose fear ov thee unknown, - in this case women and feminine characteristics, has been countered by a bulwark ov dogma which aims at controlling and/or degrading all those forces which they see as a threat to their reign.
By studying thee oppression ov women through thee ages we can see in a nutshell thee nature, methods and manifestations ov oppressions it is used in any society in any age against those who are pro-life and expanding.
But on a broad scale encompassing both sexes, thee repression ov sexual instincts functions to make people submissive and inclined to irrational behaviour and thus paralyses their rebellious potential. On a deeply personal level where we enter thee domain ov such energies which might be called 'magickal', thee effect ov such conditioning is no less significant. Psychick energy and sexual energy are different names for thee same force: by ridding ourselves ov restrictions and thee forms ov control which have been imposed on us we can coum into our own on more planes than one.
Most initiates ov thee Temple believe there is a power and effect released by an orgasm, focused through Will, that enhances not only thee chances ov Self-fulfilment and contentment but also thee achievement ov creative goals: that thee strength ov this process forces thee hand ov chance and brings closer thee object ov your desire.