Anonymous ID: 04d829 July 30, 2020, 4:52 p.m. No.10131614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1752 >>1845 >>1953 >>2097 >>2259 >>2291 >>2330

FBI Finds Two ‘Material’ Errors In Audit Of 29 FISA Applications. The Carter Page FISAs Had 17 ‘Significant’ Omissions


The FBI said Thursday that the bureau found just two “material” errors in an audit of 29 applications to surveil American citizens, an error rate that pales in comparison to the 17 “significant” problems discovered in applications for surveillance orders against former Trump campaign aide Carter Page.


In a statement, the FBI said that the two errors found in the 29 applications likely would not have changed the FISA Court’s decision to grant the underlying surveillance orders.


“None of the errors that had been identified by DOJ-OIG undermined or otherwise impacted the validity of the FISC’s orders,” the FBI said in a statement, according to Fox News.


That finding is in stark contrast to the Justice Department’s decision to invalidate two of four FISA orders granted against Page because they contained so many errors and omissions.


The FBI conducted the review of the surveillance orders in response to a Justice Department inspector general report that said that errors were found in all 29 FISA orders selected for a random audit. The IG conducted the audit due to the problems discovered in the Page case.


The FBI provided a preliminary update to the FISA Court last month saying that one material error had been found in a review of 14 of the 29 FISA applications.


The FBI’s findings suggest that the bureau’s problems with FISA are not systemic throughout the bureau. But while that paucity of errors might be a positive finding for the FBI overall, it raises questions about why so many discrepancies appeared in applications to surveil Page.

Anonymous ID: 04d829 July 30, 2020, 5:03 p.m. No.10131731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1752 >>1791 >>1845 >>1953 >>2097 >>2259 >>2291 >>2330

Boston Man Who Opened Fire on Police Officers During Riot Federally Charged


BOSTON – A Boston man was charged today with assaulting officers with a firearm during the civil disorder in Boston early in the morning of June 1, 2020.


John Boampong, 37, was charged by criminal complaint with one count each of assaulting a federal officer, interfering with a law enforcement officer during the commission of a civil disorder, and being a prohibited person under felony indictment in possession of a firearm and ammunition.


According to court documents, on the evening of May 31, 2020 and continuing through the morning of June 1, 2020, what began as a peaceful demonstration in Boston’s Back Bay neighborhood devolved into widespread acts of violence, vandalism, looting and destruction of police property, including the burning of at least one police vehicle on Tremont Street. Some protestors threw rocks, bricks and commercially-available explosives, such as M-80s, at police officers. Numerous police officers were injured.


It is alleged that, on June 1, 2020 at approximately 3:00 am, Boampong was driving his car near the Arlington Street and Boylston Street intersection in front of a store that had been victimized by looting that evening. Police officers instructed Boampong and his passengers to leave the area. The occupants of Boampong’s car initially became verbally combative towards the officers and failed to leave the area as instructed. When Boampong reversed the car, officers told him to stop, as officers and another vehicle were in the way. Boampong kept driving in reverse until one officer knocked with his baton on Boampong’s car to get his attention.


Boampong then drove away, but soon returned to the area, parked on Providence Street, and allegedly shot at least 11 times toward officers, including a deputized federal officer. The officers took cover by bracing or ducking behind cars and others objects. Bullets broke through the windows of two apartments above ground level in a building behind some of the officers.


When officers eventually stopped Boampong’s car, they saw a Sig Sauer P230 9mm firearm lying on the floor of the front passenger-side floor mat, and a black holster underneath the driver’s seat, where Boampong had been sitting. The firearm was recovered, examined and revealed to have Boampong’s fingerprint on it.


At the time, Boampong was prohibited from possessing a firearm or ammunition because he faced pending state charges carrying potential sentences exceeding one year.

Anonymous ID: 04d829 July 30, 2020, 5:13 p.m. No.10131814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1845 >>1953 >>2097 >>2259 >>2291 >>2330

Every Player, Coach and Ref Takes a Knee During National Anthem Before Pelicans-Jazz Game


Every single player, coach and ref took a knee during the National Anthem at the Pelicans-Jazz game on Thursday.


Every single member of Utah Jazz and New Orleans Pelicans wore a Black Lives Matter t-shirt and took a knee on the court in the NBA’s first game back.


“Black Lives Matter” was painted on the court in large glossy letters.


The NBA has made it clear that they not only support Communist China, they also support overt Marxists hell-bent on overthrowing the US government.

Anonymous ID: 04d829 July 30, 2020, 5:14 p.m. No.10131835   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1845 >>1953 >>2097 >>2259 >>2291 >>2330



Upcoming UN 75th Anniversary Offers Chance to Expand Security Council, German Envoy Suggests


Celebrations marking the 75th anniversary of the United Nations scheduled for late September present an opportunity to revive long-stalled efforts to enlarge the UN Security Council with permanent members from Africa, Latin America, and elsewhere, Germany’s Ambassador to the world body Christoph Heusgen said on Thursday.


“We believe the 75th anniversary of the United Nations is an important date to actually revisit [the issue], to launch a new initiative, to launch a new process, to put more life into this,” Heusgen said. “The present composition of the Security Council doesn’t reflect the world of today. There is no African country that has a permanent seat, there is no Latin American country in the Security Council,” Heusgen said.


The ambassador noted that Germany is the second largest donor to the entire United Nations system, Germany also has a legitimate interest in obtaining a permanent seat on the 15-nation Security Council responsible for maintaining international security, including oversight of peacekeeping missions.


Proposals by to expand the Security Council by Germany, Japan, India, Brazil and others date back decades, producing agreements on the need for reform that otherwise lack specifics.


“Those countries who are very happy with the status quo are blocking the process,” Heusgen said.


The ambassador’s remarks came at the close of a month in which he served as the Security Council’s president for the month of July.


The Security Council consists of 15 members, including five nations with a veto power - the United States, Britain, China, France and Russia - plus ten nations without veto power that are chosen for two-year terms. Current member Germany’s term expires in January 2021.


The United Nations plans to mark its 75th anniversary during the annual General Assembly session slated for 15-30 September, much of which is expected to be virtual due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.

Anonymous ID: 04d829 July 30, 2020, 5:27 p.m. No.10131946   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Top Dem Senate Challengers Silent on D.C. Statehood


Schumer has made capital statehood for heavily Democratic city a 'top priority'


A number of prominent 2020 Democratic Senate challengers have refused to take a position on D.C. statehood after Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) called the issue a "top priority" should his party gain control of the upper chamber.


Democratic Senate nominees in North Carolina, Maine, and Arizona—three races considered vital to determining the Senate majority in 2020—have yet to take a stance on whether D.C. should become the nation's 51st state. Challengers in Texas and Kentucky, as well as Sen. Doug Jones (D., Ala.), have also failed to address the issue. None of the candidates responded to a request for comment from the Washington Free Beacon.


The collective silence comes just weeks after House Democrats passed a bill in June to make D.C. a state—and hand the overwhelmingly Democratic city two seats in the Senate. While the legislation was considered dead on arrival in the GOP-controlled Senate, Schumer suggested he would revive the measure should Democrats win a Senate majority in November.


"As one of my top priorities when it comes to voting rights and democracy reform, I will keep working in the Senate to secure statehood, full voting rights, and full home rule for D.C. in this Congress and beyond," Schumer said in a statement.


Schumer is far from the only top Democrat to rally behind D.C. statehood in recent weeks. Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, who first backed D.C. statehood in 2015, reiterated his support following the House vote. The recently passed Democratic Party platform also supports D.C. statehood.


The issue, however, is potentially problematic for Democratic Senate candidates in competitive races. It has not polled well nationally; a 2019 Gallup poll found that just 29 percent of adults support D.C. statehood. In addition, GOP opponents have portrayed the push for statehood as a Democratic power grab, making it easier for liberals to pass far-left policies that are unpopular in the swing states required to win a Senate majority.


While Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) has repeatedly railed against D.C. statehood, his opponent, Amy McGrath, has ignored questions on the issue throughout her campaign.


"There's nothing Amy McGrath and other extreme Democrats would love more than to silence Kentucky voices and to work against our values in Congress," Katharine Cooksey, McConnell's campaign spokeswoman, told the Free Beacon. "Adding two new Democratic senators would be a disaster for Kentucky and our nation, propelling us closer to socialism."


Sen. Thom Tillis (R., N.C.) has also criticized Democrats' push for D.C. statehood. His opponent, Democrat Cal Cunningham, has not taken a stance on the issue and did not respond to a request for comment.


Lawfags: What happens if DC is shown to be a foreign nation?

Anonymous ID: 04d829 July 30, 2020, 5:36 p.m. No.10132048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2097 >>2259 >>2291 >>2330

This the Guy who bought 60 mil doses of HCQ


Clive Palmer should 'read the room' over legal challenge to WA's coronavirus hard border, doctors say


The president of the WA branch of the Australian Medical Association has called on Clive Palmer to end his legal challenge to the state's hard border measures.


Andrew Miller described the court action as unwelcome.


"You would think that for someone that has some kind of, perhaps, political aspiration, it's a good idea maybe to read the room Clive," Dr Miller said.


"No-one from Western Australia is particularly keen on all this being played out in court at the moment.


"It would be a good idea to just pack up the tent and concentrate on helping Victoria right now.


"Or put some resource into the healthcare system in WA rather than into the legal system, which is doing fine at the moment."