Anons better get prepared to physically fight for OUR RIGHT TO VOTE in person.
The Dems led states are going to close down polling stations throughout their state & push for mail in ballots.
We can NOT sit back as keyboard warriors & allow this to happen. This will cause complete chaos & they WILL steal this election.
They have been trying to prepare the public for what they plan to do by releasing the bogus polls, hyping up COVID19, & having the MSM PLANT STORIES in the news about Trump not accepting the results.
We can’t just sit back & allow them to literally steal this election.
When November gets closer, more chaos will happen. It is up to Anons to be calm but spread the truth.
If they DEPLATFORM us …then we hit the streets & put our words to action.
There is no way that I can see for this election to happen without Patriots getting truly involved.
Sometimes we MUST ACT.
I am NOT calling for violence….I’m calling for WE THE PEOPLE TO TAKE A STAND!
Taking OUR RIGHT to VOTE IN PERSON or Allowing Mass Mail in Ballots MUST BE OUR RED LINE.