Is the Michael Cohen raid a red herring?
That's the current status of the American police state. THE POLICE ARE NO FUCKING GOOD.
>>1013456 That would be a horrible trend toward less Constitution, more police state.
DONT BE A STATIST MORON. Wehaveplenty of those with the demoncrats.
Pruitt, DeVos, Carson, Mulvaney, all massively draining.
After the Soetero award, the Nobel prize means no more than an Oscar or Emmy.
Gregg Braden has a great yt series on "The Whole Body Prayer of the Essenes."
I feel sorry for people when I learn they are goin g into medicine now; law is even worse.
It's the crooked libtards who need to get out of California. Purging the voting rolls, deporting illegals, and arresting top demoncrat crooks are FEDERAL jobs that are not being done. If Trump doesnt do that, he's done nothing for the vast number of California conservatives. The purge of the voting rolls is particularly important. Until that is done, and properly, the Cal vote will conitnue to be a rigged, bad joke. On the nation.
April 15 Mercury goes forward. That's a time to commence action.
Regulations are being cut. Cut moar.
A first-year attorney could have put Killary away for life over the unlawful email server. Every time it was used was a violation of the Espionage statute and, when done by Secty of State, Treason.
If Mueller is black hat turning white/gray, what about all those demoncrat pricks he has working for him? They all turned for Trump and nobody has said anything to anybody. Implausible. Occam's Razor says the the demoncrat crooks are dirty.
Good word.
April 15 Mercury goes forward. That's the time for new actions to commence, not before.
The Essenes arent new age you fucking idiot, neither are ancient religions and medicine. Shut up until you get off the new age pharma pills and the new age television set.