Tippy top cry moar!
Seriously Anons, besides The Privilege, The Honor of being allowed to be part of this albeit in my own weird way… there is little sweeter than tears such as the above post feebly attempts to express.
and it went Weeee Weeee Weeeee all the way home! kek
Shitttttt like the plan ain't gonna go down right if P continues to = Payseur!
Like I ain't going to vote for POTUS anyways!
Like America is not going to vote for POTUS because of my desire to rid this movement of the LEECHES! kek!!!!
Do you know how stupid that sounds?!
Holy mother fuck is right!
We are supposed to wake these mofo's up before they are rudely awakened. Stand in the way of that process and yer not gonna have a good fucking time!
Now what happens when/if the Pope is taken down and yer over there holding your P = PAYSEUR dick in yer hand like "sorry!" and "whoopsies!" shit….