Anonymous ID: c33d60 July 31, 2020, 6:08 a.m. No.10137662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7698

Politico Editor Fantasizes About Trump Quitting the Race

Jul 30, 2020




RUSH: Now, there’s a piece today at The Politico written by one of the Politico founders, a guy named John Harris.


He used to be at the Washington Post years and years and years ago and then he left with his buddy Jim VandeHei when they formed and founded The Politico. The Politico is now an official arm of the Democrat Party. They, of course, will reject that characterization, but they’ve already run the story that Plugs Biden’s gonna pick Kamala Harris.



They ran that story couple days ago. It wasn’t supposed to run until August 1st, but they ran it. It was in their library. It had been written. It was just waiting for publication. Somebody ran with it days early. But somebody in the campaign had told them. That’s how the story appeared. That’s how it was assembled, put together, fact-checked and all that.


So, now they’re totally embarrassed, and they had to walk it back, and say, “Due to an error in blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, we stated that Kamala Harris would be the Biden VP. Unfortunately, we were premature in this, and we’ve, uh, had to make a correction, blah, blah, blah, blah.” Well, anyway, the piece by John Harris today is all about how and why Donald Trump will quit and not seek reelection.