Anonymous ID: b1ee2d July 31, 2020, 6:57 a.m. No.10137991   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8007 >>8010

GMorning all


I want to begin by reporting that sleepy folks and our young adults are beginning to feel a little uncomfortable. The masks are making them sick, the frequent and massive flu testing is "kind of weird", ER doctors are beginning to wonder how it is that folks weren't given any care at the onset of their illness (at the testing site) and show up in the hospital in such bad shape, folks are wondering why their doctors don't want to see them to determine whether a test is needed (don't we have the "best care in the world via Obamacare? What are we paying for?"), and honestly what gives with the governors and their stupid unhelpful mask mandates in cities where nothing is open to the public anyway?


And there's more - why is Biden running for Pres? Folks can see he obviously will be replaced at the last minute, or after being elected. Many who don't like the current POTUS will feel like they've been manipulated into voting for POTUS - and that their ability to vote against him had been stolen from them. ie, they weren't given any say in the matter. They will be angry/disappointed if it plays out this way.


And please know this: there are many who are running around asking questions, gently providing snippets of information, and working up their plans for communicating with local leaders, local health departments, local citizens, lawyers and more.


More are becoming aware that being kept apart from one another and muzzling our precious children is inherently cruel and unusual punishment…


and are wondering whether the mask-shamers are really organic folks with unreasonable fear issues - or are paid agitators.


things are becoming more like a waking nightmare for these folks.


And that is good.


Anon reporting from the front lines. And hoping to bring hope and truth to those in need, by letting the Holy Spirit work in me and through me. I always ask our Lord, maker of all that is seen and unseen to use me for His glory and to His ends. All in Jesus' name.


Amen and WWG1WGA WW