Anonymous ID: e19d2b Aug. 1, 2020, 2:43 a.m. No.10147810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8379

Know your enemies!


Swamp weaknesses are endless. We have this opportunity to rub their noses in the ‘mess’ we caught them in. They shit themselves with Hillary Clinton and her Clinton Foundation greed. Someone released the Panama Papers, Paradise Papers so common folks know how the Globalists avoid taxes, steal our money and retirement (pensions), launder drug money for Cartels. Take children from different countries to private islands and use them as prostitutes.


The Globalists weaknesses = The seven deadly sins


Implementation of the Deep State schemes from the Subcontractor run Spy/DOJ/Industrial Military complex/Shadow government is another weakness. The execution of the components of the plans, are tasks completed by MORONS like Strzok, Page, Comey…Clapper, Brennen, Rice pathological liars and morons of the Swamp that read off teleprompters, including speeches and testimony created by government lawyers that support the Deep State.


Subcontractors like Crowdstrike are endless. Too many to list. Perkins Coie is also part of those tentacles. The Swamp is the corrupted government worker/politician. But moneyed influencers are the real “deep state.” They are so smart they figured out how to rule us AND have us pay for it with taxpayer money….all at the same time.


‘Small Group’ (Spygate) is the same way al Queda, ISIS network. Nothing is going to really change at the Swamp level. What the Deep State has planned? IDK, this will be punishment for the unfortunate Swamp moron that drew the short straw.


All this noise is a distraction. Covid, Riots, Tik Tok, Social Media censoring…


November 4, 2020 election is what is on the menu. The distractions will be endless.


False Flag time?


Get ready!

Anonymous ID: e19d2b Aug. 1, 2020, 2:50 a.m. No.10147831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7850 >>8379 >>8415 >>8439 >>8452 >>8459

I’d like to provide two points in a constructive manner and maybe there are ways to improve on them:


  1. Politicians (and others) may sound receptive, be polite, listen, agree with you, make promises; without actually going forward with the plan. How can they be held accountable and be trusted they will DO what they say? Are there actions that are visible aside from talk? How can you ‘up the game’ on them, so they act on your findings?


  1. If I understand correctly, current phase is passing the material to us, and then we continue on spreading the ‘word’. People don’t have our attention span to read 2 pages, but 50 or 300. The level of granularity is beyond what most people are willing to even listen to, even when the Republic is at stake. So… how can information be spread in a lay way that people not understand but are willing to listen? There has to be other ways than for one person to gather another 4 to give them a lecture. They’d say ‘no’ and won’t even listen, or would get into circular arguments. I don’t know what the solution is (I have ideas here), but I know the more complex the presentation is, the more people we would lose. This is a conundrum that has to be resolved.


Anons can help in an efficient and positive way.


My major concern is…how to boil all this info down, package it VERY concisely so that listeners can maybe at least get a spark of interest, and look/read/listen further? Maybe even do their own research.


Thanks to Q, we have been studying and deep-diving these issues, every day, for months/years… we learned it all slowly, bit by bit.


We know the rotten details. All the rabbit holes, because Q (and Anons) have taken us to the very bottom of each stinking hole.


But many in our potential audience, the people we really do need to reach…seem to know so much less. Or nothing at all.


I am VERY concerned that a sudden and massive Document-Dump, and/or or our technical lectures/briefings, etc., (albeit well intended and informed) may not be completely effective.


There is no point in preaching to the choir. We already know


We need to let others know. Quickly.

We are running out of time.

My guess is that there are many experienced teachers, speakers, writers, corporate facilitators, etc., among us.

Maybe someone could step up, offer concrete suggestions on how best to summarize and get this info out, effectively and ASAP.

Anonymous ID: e19d2b Aug. 1, 2020, 2:58 a.m. No.10147868   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7877 >>7879 >>7901 >>7934 >>8157 >>8210 >>8379 >>8496



Every second that you live your life with thankfulness for the abundance within it; every moment that we CHOOSE to engage with fellowship; every day that we accept guidance from God – however you define him to be; and every moment we cherish this time to be a beacon of optimism; is a moment that we withstand that barrage and hold the flag in place. It is a genuinely patriotic position not to succumb to the attack.


If you allow yourself to be drawn into crisis and despair, you allow them to win. If your center of normal is based around this overwhelming onslaught, you will eventually concede liberty in favor of peace. Once we stop living in liberty, we no longer have peace.