Anonymous ID: 3af206 Aug. 1, 2020, 11:45 a.m. No.10151066   🗄️.is 🔗kun



That's fine. But how do you technically in a real way protect a Nation that is possibly being eaten from the inside out?

The philosophy becomes drivel if the military waits on the coasts to protect from invasion from abroad, as the 'enemy' chews up the territory at their back by infiltration.

Not advocating coups or martial law just looking for sense in philosophical debates. You can't defend a Nation that's merely an ember from a fire you didn't touch domestically.

The Nation is its people? And most of them, if it's the USA, live in the country, not outside it.

Anonymous ID: 3af206 Aug. 1, 2020, noon No.10151162   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Every time I hear this hinted at, I say why be do elaborate and waste so much time?

They are They, yes? All powerful, fully connected internationally from long before Trump or Q came on the scene?

Babies are born all the time in hospital, blood is taken for testing all the time in hospitals the world over. You would be an unusual person, certainly in the Western world, if you didn't have your blood in a lab at some point since you were born.


Why not just use International Cabal connections to take samples for that Search?

No need to invent Pandemics, so why invent a Pandemic for that specific reason?