what if deep state flunkies are all up and down I-95 spreading corona on the gas pumps and toilet paper at the rest areas…etc as those non-floridans flee in terror from the storm? ….then they going to spread it in the a/c systems at the hurricane shelters….got to get them numbers up ; can you imagine being that degenerate that that is what you do for a 1099?
if this flag-i-fying shill the new Shiva? or just the old one with new software? and whatever happened to Daniel anyway ? can a robot get a girlfriend?
it is a retard race!!!
hurry up, you are lagging
gimme a kiss, time for bed
don't forget your mask, ok?
board test, apparently…..shit is flying nicely
walls are closing in
you better call ALL your little friends because the clintons don't care too much 'bout ya
it is an uphill battle ; having an agreed upon form of written language as communication is important, no matter what some dolt may tell you
somebody wants these five fives badly….
they stole the quint quints, Quint