>>10153446This is correct bread?
Clear all that shit up fren. I would have grabbed a handoff earlier but cat shit the floor.
Not to mention Latest Q's are gone .
They aint even fucking chinese.
No chinese would use broken tranrations okay so fuck off hiding behind people fake faggot.
Good Catch Baker.
''Back to shilling again eh faggots?''
Balls of steel edition is legit bread
Balls of steel edition is legit bread
Either way the flack weeds itself out with it's acts
Please drop the rest of your Cap. Thank You.
So OGBs are stepping up. Glad the Real Ones are claiming their rightful place.
Pretty sure is was notabled sometime between now and the GM Unredacted Drop.
Newbakers if you get a lot of flack after a bake. Perhaps the work presented was not the work desired.
Re-evaluate and re-assemble if you decide to bake another time.
Most importantly, know when to let someone else take the wheel.
This is by no means a 'Baker Op'.
Although Bakers may easily be seen as being 'in control'
It is not so.
Are yuh shielded boo boo.
I gotchyuh hun.
May I suckle a bit o Bosom Later?
Might You Be Interested in a TouchaCock?
Chants CCP CCP