Anonymous ID: 5722da Aug. 1, 2020, 5:42 p.m. No.10154625   🗄️.is 🔗kun



how can we be winning and patriots in control of it seems we are getting our asses kicked?


let say on about everything they failed to have the full effect and ultimate success and outcome they desired.

riots- they failed to have potus send guard without gov/mayor consent, no martial law

covid- failed to have 1) potus delay action to be blamed for high casualties, did early bans, 2) potus did not order lockdowns when they then predicted millions dead


we are def on defense at this point, but moving troops our of way of a missle strike is what happening, we are not taking caualties, ye it would be nice to intercept the missiles mid air, but then again would people believe people hsot missles at us if none ever landed?


i am def going with the optomistic we have to show them theory now.

remember even before potus was in, we thwarted their delegate recount scam to steal the election, and that was what the russia hoax was designed to aide in and why it started. russia hoax players stated it was for hrc to contest the election, if we won back then now is all for our plan me thinks.

Anonymous ID: 5722da Aug. 1, 2020, 6 p.m. No.10154863   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PANIC: Patriots are Now in Control


The russia hoax and illegal surveillance was initiated to deny Potus the election via a loss, to have him concede (blackmail, leverage) and if he didn't the delegate recount scam.


Before Potus was even in office Patriots thwarted the recount scam and BHO was still in full power. What habbened to the Patriots who saved the election for Potus?


With the Patriots who saved the election still operating in the shadows with a fierce motivation to save the republic via undertaking Ops what can we expect? Potus sure as hell did not get rid of them.


They are the ones running the true PLAN, remember they saved the election for Potus and Patriots before Potus had moar power than a normal well to do civilian. They defeated BHO and HRC when Obama had the full power of the Presidency and all his corrupt agents exactly where he needed them, Brennan had the clown and they still were defeated before Day 1 of Potus 45.


It is hard to logically think that somehow we are not in full control.

If Potus was tricked into accepting referrals for Traitors and Sleepers in key positions then those who secured the election would certainly know

even if Potus did not, and allowed it to occur for a reason.


Mil is the only way?