Anonymous ID: 0f3cb9 April 12, 2018, 2:31 p.m. No.1015923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6007

Phonefagging, not sure if this was addressed yet but just ran across this:


>"I think Rod Rosenstein is recused," he told Sean Hannity. "I don't think he can serve on an investigation in which he will end up being the key witness."

>"If I were a lawyer for Donald Trump, and I am not, I am just saying what I would say about anybody, I would be making a motion in front of a judge," he explained. "First I'd make it in the Justice Department, to recuse Rosenstein. Then I'd make it in front of a judge. You cannot be a prosecutor and you cannot be a witness in the same case."

dailycaller com/2018/04/11/dershowitz-rosenstein-recuse/


This was last night on Hannity, Dershowitz DEFINITELY NOT GIVING LEGAL ADVICE TO ANYONE, confirming what we were told to consider here, on April 4:



>Why is Mueller going after 'inside plants'?

>Flynn is safe.

>Define 'witness'.

>Can a 'witness' hold a position of power/influence while ongoing?

>Russia Russia Russia?

>Real or fake?


It may be time to stop taking the term "plant" as necessarily having a positive or negative connotation. Case-by-case, it could mean good guy/bad guy or something in between. My head just exploded wide open when I read this Dershowitz quote. Q_conf would be awesome.


Q confirmed real, yet again, for all you newfaggots and redditfugees.