Anonymous ID: dee568 Aug. 1, 2020, 9:37 p.m. No.10157538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7563 >>7642 >>7656 >>7855 >>8104 >>8120 >>8175

“I’m Not Going to Be Silenced!” – Houston Doctor Stella Immanuel Doubles Down – When Was the Last Time Fauci Saw a Patient?


Dr. Stella Immanuel M.D. from Houston is a courageous woman in an insane world.

Earlier this week Dr. Immanuel joined several other front line doctors in Washington DC at the “White Coat Summit” to announce the amazing success they were having treating coronavirus patients on the front line using hydroxychloroquine.


Dr. Stella Immanuel bravely came out on Monday and said that she has personally treated over 350 patients suffering from COVID-19 with Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, and Zithromax and they have all recovered.


The doctor also disclosed that she put herself and her staff on Hydroxychloroquine as a preventative.


“Americans don’t have to die! America, there is a cure for COVID!” she yelled. “You don’t need a mask! There is a cure!”


The tech tyrants worked together to remove videos of Dr. Stella Immanuel speaking about how she has successfully treated COVID-19 patients with Hydroxychloroquine.


Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube censored and removed video from yesterday’s “White Coat Summit” in Washington DC.


The medical elites, tech giants and mainstream media do not want Americans to know there is a treatment for the coronavirus.


On Saturday Dr. Stella Immanuel spoke with Houston KPRC Click 2 about her work treating coronavirus patients.


Dr. Stella did not back down. “Yes, it eradicates the symptoms. It eradicates the virus… Of course they think I’m dangerous because I’m speaking truth. Ask Dr. Anthony Fauci, “When was the last time you saw a patient?”… I’m not going to stop. I’m not going to be silenced. My immediate plan is to pray on to these powers, these diabolical powers that are out to destroy this nation. Before this nation is going to be destroyed.”


Dr. Immanuel sat down with the KPRC reporter for his hit piece.


She’s not backing down.

Anonymous ID: dee568 Aug. 1, 2020, 9:40 p.m. No.10157553   🗄️.is 🔗kun

By Suppressing Medical Debate, It Is Twitter that Endangers Americans


Twitter has once again acted as judge, juro, and executioner. For four days, Twitter prevented the @BreitbartNews twitter account from posting, only restoring its permissions earlier today. This is in no small part because Twitter dragged its feet on Breitbart News’s appeal


Twitter initially locked Breitbart News’s account because it posted a video of a press conference featuring Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) and licensed doctors sharing their views and opinions on coronavirus and the medical response to the pandemic. The event was held by the organization America’s Frontline Doctors and organized by the Tea Party Patriots.


In short, Twitter has punished a news organization for posting a video of a live-streaming of a press conference held by a congressman and licensed medical doctors.


At the event, some of the doctors shared their opinion on hydroxychloroquine, highlighting it as a potentially helpful treatment in fighting COVID-19. One doctor called it a “cure.”


Because Breitbart News’s Twitter account carried a video livestream of their comments, Twitter accused Breitbart of “spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19.”


As an aside, Breitbart News is a news company, not a licensed medical professional and has no editorial position on the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19. But for Twitter (which is also not a licensed medical professional) to assert the video contained potentially harmful information rings hollow. Hydroxychloroquine is not Tide Pods; it’s not something people can simply go down to the local drugstore, buy, and ingest without medical advice and supervision.


In the United States, hydroxychloroquine is a legal, FDA approved medication available only by prescription; so a person would have to go to their doctor and get it prescribed after making a decision with their own doctor whether or not to take hydroxychloroquine.


And, whether Twitter likes it or not, or thinks it should be otherwise, doctors are prescribing hydroxychloroquine on an off-label basis for COVID-19. Twitter trying to pretend it is not happening or wishing it was not happening is self-sophistry.


Twitter has demanded that Breitbart News delete the following tweets before restoring access to the account. Breitbart appealed that decision, and pending appeal has been locked out of its account. Incredibly, Twitter took almost three full days to reply to Breitbart’s appeal – meaning time and traffic lost during a fast-moving election season. When Twitter finally did respond, it denied the appeal.


Twitter then demanded that Breitbart News delete the following tweets before restoring access to the account and that Breitbart serve a 12-hour “time out” — meaning even more time and traffic lost during a fast-moving election season. (Update: Twitter has unrestricted Breitbart News’ Twitter account.)


Twitter’s actions have public health implications. The tech giant is preventing the public, including the critically ill, from receiving information from physicians with first-hand experience treating COVID-19 patients. Twitter’s censorship denies the public access to information — and that can put lives, health, and the well-being of Americans at risk.

Anonymous ID: dee568 Aug. 1, 2020, 9:42 p.m. No.10157570   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CIA Fabricated Russiagate "Evidence", Says Former NSA Tech Chief


An important public statement was made on July 27th by Bill Binney, the U.S. Government’s top expert on the internet, and on computer hacking. He had been the Technical Director of the NSA when he quit and became a whistleblower against that Agency while George W. Bush was the U.S. President and invaded Iraq on the basis of faked evidence. Binney has now laid out, in this speech, the evidence that he wants to present in court against Barack Obama’s CIA, that it defrauded Americans to believe in “Russiagate” (the allegation that Russia ‘hacked’ the computers of Hillary Clinton and Democratic Party officials and fed that information to Wikileaks and other organizations). Binney cites evidence, which, if true, conclusively proves that Russiagate was actually created fraudulently by the CIA’s extensive evidence-tampering, which subsequently became covered-up by the Special Counsel Robert Mueller, in his investigations for the Democratic Party’s first (and failed) try at impeaching and removing from office U.S. President Donald J. Trump.


Here is the transcript of his 10-minute speech (and I add links to explanations of the meaning of technical phrases, and also boldface for emphasis of his key findings, and I place into [brackets] explanatory amplifications of my own), summarizing why he is convinced that the CIA (under President Barack Obama) did this frame-up against Russia, ‘Russiagate’ — it’s a case that he is seeking to present to Congress, and in court, and to debate in public, instead of to continue to be hidden from the public; he wants to show, and publicly to debate, this evidence, so that the public will be able to see it, and evaluate it, for themselves:

Anonymous ID: dee568 Aug. 1, 2020, 9:43 p.m. No.10157575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7582 >>7588

Donald Trump Demands Change: ‘Too Much Income Disparity’ After COVID-19


President Donald Trump criticized America’s top billionaires on Saturday for massively increasing their net worth during the coronavirus pandemic.


“I actually agree with this,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Too much income disparity. Changes must be made, and soon!”


The president shared a Business Insider video showing the net worth of wealthy CEOs like Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, whose net worth rose by an estimated $48 billion from March to June. The video lists billionaires such as Zoom founder Eric Yuan boosting his net worth of $2.5 billion, while former Microsoft CEO Steve Balmer’s net worth increased by $15.7 billion, Casino magnate Shelden Adelson’s increased by $5 billion, and Elon Musk’s increased by $17.2 billion.


This is the first time the president has indicated that a growing wealth disparity was a problem in the United States that needed to be fixed.


The nine-minute video focuses on how the wealthy typically receive big financial profits during times of economic crisis and experience big tax cuts and breaks and store their money in offshore accounts.


The video also proposes forming a Pandemic Profiteering Oversight Committee, more regulations to keep billionaires from offshoring their profits, including an emergency ten percent millionaire income surtax, a wealth tax, a progressive estate tax, and dramatic federal spending on charities.