I risked my life to support the Chinese people against their leaders. It may work out it may not.
I tried to save Sweden and realized it wasn't worth it.
I risked my life to support the Chinese people against their leaders. It may work out it may not.
I tried to save Sweden and realized it wasn't worth it.
you may want to look within before you ever post something on the internet again.
100% of nutritional supplements are made in China avoid them.
Is Costco frozen hamburger patties processed in China?
Note Ege STG&E power lines in every photo.
I was talking with a South African who's family were white farmers and he said "excuse me I have to take this call." His whole family was murdered. He didn't seem surprised.
you should call your local suiside hot line immediately and show them what you post on public forums.
Sure I guess you can take my picture if you promise you wont post it on the internet.
Human trafficking is normalized. There are very few weak laws against it . Slap on the wrist. it's essentially legal. .
Human trafficking is normalized around the world. There are very few weak laws against it . Slap on the wrist. it's essentially legal.
Human trafficking is normalized. There are very few weak laws against it . Slap on the wrist. it's essentially legal. Even in the USA.
Law makers love sex with under aged teens.
Politicians love sex with under aged teens
Your supplements are full of poison rich man.
CBD is a joke. It's a moisturizer like Vaseline.
CBD is Vaseline the only thing Vaseline cured is blue balls and thats a myth.
Your balls will never turn blue.
Don't be a Trump and marry and have kids with multiple women. Unless you are a billionaire.
You got that right! Beware of fakes.
every movie and TV show and all music and church since WW2 are created by Nazi CIA.
It's not the jews it's the satanic Nazis.
Hittler destroyed the USA.
Trump comforts Gavin Newsom
>Gavin Newsom hates trump.
Trump needs to realize they will never be their friend.
Q you may want to check yourself before you wreck yourself. You will be judged harshly.
Not believing Jesus is God destroys your narrative.
Are you a Scientologist?
Are you a Mormon?
Are you a Freemason?
Or are you just a government worker making a hundred grand a year doing the same thing we are doing?
Dear QANON you are real Q is just a low level government worker.
You control the narrative.
Q is sick.
Q only wins a life time pension for 4 years of work.
These people are sick.
Q is sick.
Jesus stood over me when I was dying. He comforted me when my limbs were broken in half.
He warned me about people like you.
The American church is dead and only about the money.
If you are a pastor accepting donations you are Satan.
It costs nothing to know God. If a church wants to charge you to read the bible run.
Fuck church read the Bible.
Fellowship wit the brethren means you baby sit losers for free.
Pastors should pay us for listening to their garbage.
No one should make money reading the Bible to people.
Jesus is God, pastors are thieves.God loves you.
Q gets a government pension he/she/it sacrifices nothing.
Q has never predicted the future. He is a low level government worker making at least a hundred grand doing nothing.
Q is pick pocketing you.
You must be new here.
I post here because of free speech not because of fake Q.
I'm not trying to hurt you I'm trying to help you.
I'l do what I want to do loser.
I can tell you the future for free.
>I can tell you the future for free.
Read Revelations and you will be smarter than government worker Q.
Q is into B movies Where we go one we go all is about sharing prostitutes and STS's.
Q is a low level special needs government worker
Trump was just trying to be nice so he hired thew retard.