Jesus Christ!
These banshees in Portland are fucking insane!
Jesus Christ!
These banshees in Portland are fucking insane!
45 checks out…
The virus recognized them as liberals and they were thus passed over.
Oh look!
The timezone of the people who give Jesus any "legitimacy" and/or "meaning" in the first place!
The work of fiction that gives the christian work of fiction a basis to build on?
My LORD? What is this, Victorian England?
My SAVIOR?! From WHAT?! His threats of eternal punishment and damnation?
Talmud, Torah… it's all Jewish, is it not?
Lord'n'Savior: I dunno… I tend not to trust big fish tales.
It's all Jewish: And you TRUST The Jew?
like just about every other legend, fable, myth, and religious text.
You have a very strange take on the story of (and the events leading up to) Barabbas.
So you're still saying you trust or have trusted The Word of The Jews enough to base your life around a religion based on them?
He was crucified as a political threat to caesar.
He only got into that position because he made the Romans spend resources and waste time and energy dealing with the shit he'd cause.
Why would the jews pick Jesus, guy who fucked shit up and pissed off the local occupying force, over Barrabas, the hometown hero who actually killed one of those Roman Assholes?
Competing power.
One of the problems with religion is that it isn't based on locality, region, relation, etc..
It's a power structure based on a group of people who all believe the same narrative.
Rome, as well as all other theocracies, would find that as a threat, as do all secular governments, would they not?
Consider the Islamic position on secular laws vs Allah's Laws.
You're saying that the military might that backed Pilate caved to the reees of a bunch of unarmed whiney kikes?
And you really think the Romans would have had an issue putting down the rioters?
It's like you're confusing the Heebs with the Shitty Mongorians.
Beyond the point that the Roman military thought little to nothing about merc'ing the jews, again…
Why is there no reference to the Passover Pardon outside of that one section of the bible?
Nowhere else in Roman nor Jewish records…
You'd think it'd be something of note.
Roller coaster masturbation machines?
Is that a Barbarella reference or something?
You'd think jews, who make a holiday out of every little thing, would have commemorated people being freed from the Romans.
It's like you're going with the Master and Margarita narrative instead of the biblical one…
Beyond that, Pilate would have been executed along with everyone threatening to riot.
Who whole scenario doesn't make a lick of sense.