BLM movement started with a Fake Predicate? Planned- BLM = Black Lies Movement?
In 2014 shooting of Michael Brown, St. Louis' top prosecutor announces no charges against Darren Wilson
Witnesses said Brown, who was unarmed, had his hands up when he was shot, but federal investigators and the grand jury said the evidence showed otherwise.
(witness tampering?)
A St. Louis County, Mo., prosecutor said Thursday that he will not be charging the White police officer who shot 18-year-old Michael Brown in 2014, after quietly reopening the investigation.
But after a five month investigation into the case’s evidence, witness statements and forensic reports, he came to the conclusion that “we cannot prove that he” committed murder or manslaughter.
False Witnesses In Ferguson Shooting Shouldn't Be Ashamed —They Should Be Indicted
Crime: The Ferguson grand jury not only spared an innocent cop from the mob, but also identified those in the mob who tried to frame him for murder. Those who bore false witness in the case must be held accountable.
The most shocking evidence to emerge from the grand jury proceedings was the large number of black witnesses who, according to the prosecutor, acknowledged "making up" all or parts of their testimony.
Some adjusted their stories to "fit the facts" after being confronted with forensic evidence or inconsistencies with other testimony.
Some completely recanted, admitting they didn't actually witness Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson shooting robber Michael Brown and just repeated the talk on the street, which clearly was biased against white cops.
But others stuck to their bogus stories under oath.