Records request this week by Senate:
__The Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (HSGAC) and the
Committee on Finance are investigating matters related to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s
(FBI) Crossfire Hurricane investigation.__
'''As part of that investigation, we have made a number
of requests to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the FBI, and the Department of
Justicethat implicate CIA equities.'''
Jul 28, 2020 Johnson, Grassley to CIA - Oversight Records Requests
Jul 28, 2020 Johnson, Grassley to Director of National Intelligence - Oversight Records Requests
Jul 28, 2020 Johnson, Grassley to Justice Dept. & FBI - Oversight Records Request
Jul 28, 2020 Johnson, Grassley to State Dept. - Oversight Records Requests
(docs are pdf)