Anonymous ID: 318346 Aug. 2, 2020, 2:20 p.m. No.10163935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4007 >>4063

What if the 1960s "Summer of Love" also had [F][D] protected left wing militias who infiltrated legit 'civil rights protests', who under cover of 'peaceful protester', went ahead and killed, looted, and destroyed small businesses?

What if because there were no 'digital soldiers' / 'online citizen journalists' back then to show the world on video the FULL truth of 'actions' people are taking, that because censorship was easier back then, where the only 'information' most people in the country were 'presented with', was Democrat Party partnerships with newspapers, and television, and movies…and music, where some/most of the reporting on ACTUAL LEVEL of violence was censored, making the country believe that what was in fact a hostile/violent/evil left wing attack on not only real people, but also the country's culture, heritage, American values of working hard for your family and feeling happy and belonging with every taxpaying, hard working citizen of this country, and those who worked hard for years and are now reaping what you sewed and enjoying life after career, and all Patriots, was given a massive fake news 'spin' where a one sided 'narrative' took shape in the coordinated lamestream media 60's versions…a 'mostly peaceful' time of 'protest against wars', a 'chaotic time, man, with lots of free love trying to heal the world of 'bad' USA'…

After JFK was killed the conflict in Vietnam went into a 'next phase'.

Did that provide the youth with a 'why' it's good to hate America, an intentionally flawed war strategy to prevent a win and blast death counts 24/7 on news?…

Does it feels like some types of 'events' are being 'played' again by an infiltrated media and a D political party 21st century version?


Mil-Civ alliance.

Military Tribunal needs a jury…what if….that trial has been playing in real time since Oct 28 2017? Durham was named as 'attorney' on Oct 28, 2017. We are watching criminal activity within the D party.

How else can I explain that almost 100% of the riots and mass looting/destruction/killings, were all in D party controlled states/cities.

What if the people digital soldiers are reaching, is a growing jury?, that Durham and just recently Bash named as 'special' prosecutors of illegal spying (no predicate, fruit of the poisonous tree), Flynn is the information general using information warfare back against the 'old guard', and you and me and the world are all being presented with evidence of criminal activity at the highest levels of the government and all this has been happening IN REAL TIME?

I remember back to when POTUS was invited to have dinner with Xi inside the Forbidden City.

The INFORMATION SECURITY of this place must be unbelievably 'airtight'…t's a place where if any 'authorized' person were caught sneaking inside, the law permits the ground's security to be ordered to shoot to kill on-site, no arrest, no trial, no lawyers, no courts.

I ask what could they have talked about that they wanted it behind a security firewall of which Xi has final direct control?

After using some logic and assumptions I could be wrong but I cannot help but think as the most plausible that what they talked about it included talk that ONLY they, Trump and Xi, could know and keep secret.

Remember back when POTUS described as almost saintly "one man in China"? Yes, I recall also that it referred to a specific event not the event of the dinner and talk in the Forbidden City.

But double meanings I believe can be used in a mutual knowing way between people, anons.

I ask what if what POTUS and Xi spoke about in the Forbidden City, was for China to become the D Party's 'handlers' not to 'rescue' them, but to set up history's biggest ever honeypot?

POTUS is saying the election will be rigged…meaning what the D's thought was going to be their final 'get out of jail free' card…China mass producing mail in ballots and 'circulating' them in 'key'/'select' states?

Or not?

Did Q tell 'them' that Q has all of the comms between China 'handlers' and DNC 'puppets'?

D's who needed new 'handlers' after the House of Saud 'fell'?