(Bread #1265)
>…America is crying for justice.
The larger part of Americans have been cultivated to be oblivious.
One of the Qs said that justice is already baked in, there's a computer somewhere bits and byting through that part of the outcome. Where the focus has to be is moving the world's populaton to a soft landing, getting people up to speed so worldwide freakout won't destroy the infrastructure we operate in, the financial reboot, wheels of commerce turning, plant them seeds / water them stringbeans / the daily whatever. What I'm hearing is where we're at now is to do as much as can be done taking care of people who will be impacted when the plug is pulled, the hammer drops, and that would be all of us. Our actions are ultimately to keep panic from taking us all down. And the way to do that is to prepare them in some way or other, try to get them up to speed, determine how responsible you can be for people who's lives fall apart, strengthen your own situation. The Qs have said they're doing the rest.