Anonymous ID: da7cc6 Aug. 2, 2020, 3:47 p.m. No.10164657   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The film opens in medias res with vacationer Wally Walrus beating Woody Woodpecker into submission on a beach boardwalk. Wally explains to the gathered crowd what happened earlier to provoke his anger:


Wally decides to go to the beach to relax, but is constantly disturbed by surfer Woody. Returning to the present, Wally ties Woody to an anchor and hurls him into the ocean. The rope snags on the pier, demolishing first the pier and then the entire marina. The cartoon ends with Woody swimming away toward the horizon, pursued by Wally, and both of them pursued by the other beachgoers.




Costly lawyers argued before the Supreme Court of the U. S. last week over homonymic trademarks. The Beech-Nut Packing Co. (BeechNut provisions, chewing-gum, candies) wanted P. Lorillard Co. (tobaccos) to cease labeling one of its cigaret and tobacco brands Beechnut. Lorillard Co. asserted that Beechnut was the name of a chewing tobacco made by a now dissolved Kentucky firm they once owned; that Beech-Nut Packing was not making tobacco products and was not injured by the similarity of trademarks. Beech-Nut complained that some day they might want to manufacture cigarets and other tobacco products


Ko Phi Phi was devastated by the Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004, when nearly all of the island's infrastructure was destroyed.